Walking Soccer Billboard

10 May

Good Morning and Happy Friday!

This weekend will be filled with lots of fun birthday and Mother’s Day activities that I have been looking forward to for so long.  Plus, one of our good friends from New York City is coming to stay with us that we haven’t seen since September of last year!

Yesterday went by very quickly…

I was able to step outside for lunch again and enjoy some of the sunshine before the rain clouds rolled in and brought cooler weather.  When I got back from my little walk, I enjoyed my packed lunch that consisted of a salad packed with mixed greens, carrots, cucumbers and green onions plus some soy rice crackers on the side.


I love packing salads for lunch – they are so fresh and don’t leave me feeling sleepy after I eat it.  Of course my coworkers and I managed to sneak a couple bites of the leftover cupcakes later in the day, but you only live once right?!

After work, my coed soccer team played our last game of the season.  The game was at 7:00 p.m. and I was kind of hungry so I grabbed a salad from Potbelly’s before heading out to the field.  When we got to the court, I was a little nervous that my stomach would hurt from eating right before – but I was happy and excited to play!


(Just call me the kCura/Relativity walking billboard… shirt & bag – check!)

The girls, of course, had to play pretty much the entire game because of the lack of subs we had – problem when you work for a software company and the majority of players are developers who have to work late due to a software release deadline!  Nevertheless, it was a GREAT workout to be running around for 40 minutes, and BONUS – my stomach did not hurt.


After the game, I headed home to enjoy the rest of the evening and sip on a few beverages…


To keep me hydrated, of course! 🙂

Brian and I are headed to our favorite craft beer hot spot tonight – Hopleaf, so I am consciously making an effort to make extra healthy choices during the day.  I know this will be another indulgent weekend… It’s all about the balance!

Also, side note, I ordered a new brand of protein powder that I wanted to try.  As you all know, I currently LOVE the Perfect Fit protein that I use, but I am looking to see if there are any other brands that I could switch around with.  Any suggestions?  What is your favorite brand?

Have an active and happy weekend!

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