
Welcome to Bites & Balance!

About Me


My name is Lindsay. I’m 25 years old and I live in Chicago, Illinois with my boyfriend, Brian, and dog ,Bailey. I have a strong passion for food and fitness and strive everyday to find a balance between the two.

In 2010, I graduated from Illinois State University with a degree in Public Relations but switched my focus to Human Resources shortly after.  I currently work for a small software company in the city and absolutely love it.  The energy in Chicago is extremely addictive.  There is always something to do  and people are always out and about being active (except during our occasional blizzards, ha!).

Some of my favorite ways to stay fit are running along our beautiful lakefront path, practicing yoga at the small studio I belong to and playing on my company’s coed soccer team.  I usually work out five to six days a week and try to alternate between cardio and strength training.  I have completed several 5k’s, 8k’s and 10ks and completed my first half marathon this July!

I love to cook and am always up for trying out a new or challenging recipe.  Currently, the only meal in the world that I cannot stand is Mac & Cheese (I know – i’m weird!).  Growing up, I ate a lot of Italian and Swedish food… which made for some very interesting combinations.  I was probably the only child who craved pickled herring at the mere age of five.  Aside from the weird foods I love, my Italian heritage has really shaped my philosophy on cooking.  Fresh and simple ingredients really make the best and healthy meals.

The Blog

Bites & Balance provides me with a way to share some of my favorite recipes, workouts, and the fun ‘twenty-something’ life I live in Chicago.  In addition, it will be a way to help motivate me and track my workouts to prepare for upcoming races.

I hope you enjoy Bite’s & Balance!  Please feel free to contact me at lbhanso@gmail.com


One Response to “About”

  1. Kate McGrath March 27, 2013 at 10:59 am #

    Great Job girl! Love the site and your motivation! 🙂

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