Tag Archives: Chicken

Cooking, Cleaning & Running Fools

18 Aug

Hello, hello!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend.

My weekend kicked off right after work on Friday with my birthday present from Brian… a cooking class!  I’ve been talking about us going for a while now and was thrilled when I saw what he got me!

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The class we took was called ‘Street Food’ and was themed around various snacks and bites that you may find sold on the street in different countries.

Here was our menu:

Beer battered fish tacos

Beef kefta kabobs

Lemongrass chicken banh mi

Cheese and bean pupusas

The class was held at the Merchandise Mart Chopping Block location, so it was super simple to get there directly after work.  Brian brought a bottle of pinot noir, we tied on our aprons and got to work.  In most classes, you work with another couple or group to prepare your various dishes.  Our class was completely full, so we were able to partner up with two other people and boy did we have so much fun!

I love cooking, I cook almost every night, but all of these items are ones I never would have just come up with on my own.

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Our favorites were definitely the Beer battered fish tacos which we made with Two Brother’s Cane and Abel.  The second runner up was the Lemongrass chicken banh mi’s.  So juicy and tender, plus the crusty french bread really makes the entire sandwich.  We left completely full and happy!

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I was up bright and early Saturday morning to meet my workout buddy, Lindsay at our gym.  We warmed up on the treadmill for 25 minutes alternating between a steady jog, uphill walk and sprinting.  Once we were nice in warm we completed the following workout:


Loved it!  It was so nice being at the gym so early because we didn’t have to fight for space to complete this circuit.

Saturday was such a busy day.  Immediately after our workout, I showered, grabbed a few things from Whole Foods across the street, my two of my best friends for brunch at Toast, came home and cleaned for 4 hours and then hosted a group of my closest friends for cocktails and appetizers!

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Phew.  The whole day was awesome.  Even though it was jam packed, I had so much fun seeing all my different groups of friends and my workout really carried my energy level throughout the entire day.  Win!


Sunday was no less chaotic.  My parents and our family friends were over at my apartment at 10:00 a.m. ready to watch the Air and Water show (thank god my apartment was already clean).

We grabbed some sandwiches and salads from Pastoral and headed over to the lake around noon.  Unfortunately, Chicago decided to be cool and cloudy yesterday so the Air and Water show didn’t really happen, but our fun little picnic did!

I was a great way to round out the weekend… and let me tell you I slept like a BABY last night.  Fun times.

Sprint Your Heart Out

14 Aug

These past two days have been full of non-stop fun and excitement!!!!


The workouts and cooking have been fun, but if you are one of those people who thinks that cleaning and doing laundry is fun… I am just not there with you.

Tuesday after work, I had a few major errands to run before heading to the gym at night.  I have recently received feedback from our personal trainer at work that I should start incorporating more sprinting in my workouts so I decided to come up with something fun to do on the treadmill.  Although I really hate the treadmill during the winter months, I have really enjoyed going back in a couple times per week.  I missed seeing my usual suspects after work 🙂


I tell you this workout is a major sweat inducer and really gets your heart rate up.  As always, you can modify the speed based on your fitness level, but always make sure you are pushing yourself and breaking outside of your comfort zone.

Side note… I totally wore gray capris that day and needless to say with all the sweat that was dripping off my body, I looked like I peed my pants.  Funny.

After my workout, I had a quick protein shake at the gym and then headed back home to cook dinner.

On the menu:  Skirt Steak and Steamed Broccoli


Brian and I didn’t stay up real late that evening because I had a strength-focused kFit workout downtown in the loop at 6:00 a.m.  We used a lot of medicine balls to perform squats, overhead presses, lunges, etc.

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Although it’s a pain in the ass to wake up at 4:30 a.m., in order to make a bus at 5:00 a.m., so that I can be downtown in time for this class… it is always worth it.  The trainer can whoop my ass like no one else can and I’m much more motivated throughout the day to eat healthy/make good choices when he gives me advice first thing in the morning.

Speaking of making good choices, each week my company commissions this start-up company, Fooda, to bring local restaurants onsite for us to buy lunch.  Yesterday’s choice was Farmer’s Fridge and all of their choices were amazing!  Have you heard of them?  They have a couple kiosks around the loop which have fun salads in a jar type options as well as wraps and little snacks.


I went with the Chicken Kale Cesar Wrap which had a whole wheat tortilla, sweet potato, pomegranate seeds, pumpkin seeds, Parmesan, kale, chia seeds, and a vegan Caesar dressing all wrapped together.

It was so fresh and filling, plus it was only $7.00 which for a loop lunch spot is very affordable.  It’s really hard to find a lot of healthy and fresh lunch options in the Chicago loop.  My usual repertoire is a mixture of the local cafeteria salad bar, Pret A Manger, Protein Bar and basically packing my own lunch.  It’s nice to have a new option added… I highly recommend you check them out.

Snapshots: Easter Weekend

21 Apr

We had quite the eventful Easter weekend! …Even though I thought it was going to be a low key one.

Saturday morning I was up bright and early to meet Lindsay for our half marathon training run.  We originally had a 10k on our calendars, however, we decided to just maintain our endurance level and shoot for another 8 mile run.  I met Lindsay at her place and decided to DIVVY my way up there.  If you are not from Chicago, DIVVY is our bike share program throughout the city.  It is super convenient and easy to use.  There is a DIVVY station about a block away from my apartment and one right in front of Lindsay’s doorstep.

It was a beautiful, beautiful day, so we decided to stick to the Lakeshore path to take in all of the amazing views.


We passed the Lincoln Park Zoo where we were tempted to join in the free Easter egg hunt and play with the monkeys and zebras.

Before we knew it we were up back towards Wrigley which lead our run to conveniently end right by an Einstein Bagels – win!

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Lately, my post run cravings have included bagels and lemonade.  When I went to go get my lemonade at Einsteins, the Lemonade dispenser must of been running on it’s last leg because I got a really nasty, watery tasting lemonade.

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This is my unhappy lemonade face.

The rest of Saturday was spent cleaning and prepping for our Easter celebration.

My parents got down into the city super early on Sunday to save some seats at the Easter mass we went to.  I had no problem heading over to the church early in part because it was GORGEOUS outside, but also I wanted to watch the little kids do their post mass Easter egg hunt.  So cute.

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city 4

After mass, we headed back to my apartment to finish the prep of dinner.  My parents were in charge of the appetizer and brought over this amazing goat cheese and roasted pepper dish as well as some cute Easter treats.  Shout out to my cousins in Ohio for sending us an awesome Edible Arrangement!  Once Brian’s family arrived it was time to pop the champagne, open a few bottles of wine and get to dining!





Can we talk about how awesome these cream puffs/swans were that Brian’s cousin Diane brought?  Almost too pretty to eat… almost 😉

I am so so so so full and happy that we were able to celebrate with friends and family this weekend.  Brian and I had an amazing time hosting Easter dinner and can’t wait to dig into all of the leftovers!

Hope you all had a nice weekend!

Meal Planning vs. Whole Foods

8 Apr

Yesterday was a great Monday (which doesn’t happy a lot, right?)!  It was announced at work that I would be receiving a promotion, my coworkers brought in Glazed and Infused donuts and I scored free Cubs tickets from my super generous co workers for tonight’s game vs. the Pirates.  I wish every week could start out as well as yesterday did!


Since work started off so well, the day flew by.  On my lunch break, I had the chance to spend some time outside and stop by a local Starbucks for a mid-day treat.  Instead of bringing it right back to the office, I took some time to plan out my meals for the week.

Meal Plan:

Monday: Chicken, sweet potato fries and salad

Tuesday: Balsamic salmon, quinoa and asparagus

Wednesday: Turkey tacos

Thursday: Out to dinner – fundraising event

Friday: Shrimp fra diavolo

Saturday: Chopped salads

Sunday: Take out/wing it

Lately I have been super disappointed in the produce that has been at my local Trader Joe’s.  I have been reading lots of bloggers posts on meal planning and was surprised to see that some of them were able to score just as much produce/goods for the week at Whole Foods as they were if they would have shopped at Trader Joe’s.  Could this be?  I had to try it myself.  With the plan above, here was my list for the week:


  • Lettuce (Organic)
  • Tomatoes (Organic)
  • Cucumber (Organic)
  • Bell Peppers (Organic)
  • Asparagus
  • Avocado (2)
  • Sweet Potatoes (2) (Organic)
  • Lemons (2)
  • Limes (2)
  • Jalapenos (4)
  • Bananas


  • Eggs (Organic)
  • Chicken (Organic)
  • Ground Turkey (Organic)


  • Shrimp


  • Greek yogurt (Organic)
  • Cheddar Cheese


  • Tomato Paste (Organic)
  • Crushed Tomatoes (Organic)
  • Diced Tomatoes (Organic)


  • Qunioa Pasta
  • Gluten Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread

Grand Total: $81.44

Not too shabby!! I have easily spent that much if not more at Trader Joe’s.  I was really happy with my loot and glad I took the time to plan the week ahead so that I will have enough for dinners and leftovers for lunch.  So what was the secret?  Staying on the ‘parameter’ of the grocery store allowed me to steer clear of overpriced processed foods that I just did not need!


Last nights dinner – BIG WIN.

After I got home from the grocery store, I spent a lot of time on my yoga mat stretching.  Sunday after my run, I used my Zensah compression sleeves to help aid my recovery and I swear they work wonders.  According to their website, here are the benefits that come with compression:



(Yes, my left foot is bigger than my right foot)

Enhanced blood circulation as a result of improved venous return.
The deoxygenated blood goes back to the heart faster, which in turn helps to improve blood flow of oxygen rich blood back to the body.

Faster recovery following strenuous exercise and improved performance by aiding in the removal of blood lactate.
Reducing blood lactate concentration during maximal exercise bouts, allows for an increased lactic threshold. Studies have shown that athletes with a high lactate threshold perform better.

Enhanced warm-up via increases in skin temperature.

Reduced muscle oscillation/vibration upon ground contact, providing stability to the muscle help prevent microtrauma to the muscles, making for a faster and easier recovery.

Reduced effects of delayed onset muscle soreness in the days following strenuous exercise through alleviating swelling and inflammation.

Increased muscle support, which increases performance through improved muscle efficiency.

Improved leg power and vertical jump through enhanced proprioception.

Although I do not use my compression sleeves after every workout, I do try and make a point to use them after or during my long runs – ESPECIALLY when I am increasing mileage gradually.  It may be a mental thing as well, but I just FEEL better when I slip them on after my shower – the same kind of comfort you get after taking an ice bath.  PLUS, they come in a variety of fun colors which I am a huge fan of.

Do you use compression garments? 

Of possible interest:

Lunch al Desko: Upgrade Your Midday Meal

Rest Days & Meal Plans

10 Mar

Happy Monday, friends!

This past weekend was relaxing and eventful all in one.

Friday, right after work, Brian, BAILEY and I headed out to the suburbs for our monthly Supper Club dinner.  This month’s theme was: ‘Small Plates, Big Pours.’

Our friends Cassie and Kevin did an awesome job hosting and providing plates after plates after plates of delicious food.


And wine!

Some of my favorites were the mini chicken and fish tacos:


How adorable are the little clothes pins that are holding them all together?

I also enjoyed the caprese skewers, fresh fruit plate, chimichurri beef bites and meatball sliders (I obviously was not a very good Catholic on Friday).

Some of you may be wondering, where was Bailey?  Well, Kevin and our friend Lauren are allergic to dogs, so we found an awesome dog friendly hotel 8 minutes from their apartment.  We stayed at the Crowne Plaza in Lombard/Downers Grove and it was such a great stay.  First of all, as a dog owner, I find it really difficult to find nice dog friendly hotels and I honestly could not believe how friendly everyone was when we walked right into the reception area.

The hotel had an indoor pool, fitness center and a restaurant that was attached – not that we needed to eat while we were there!

Bailey had no problem making herself at home.


I don’t really understand why more hotels do not have ‘dog friendly’ levels or suites, but alas that is a different topic for another post.

Saturday was a REALLY REALLY lazy day.  We basically just snuggled up on the couch and watched movies/played with Bailey.  The only productive thing we did was take care of a friends dog at night while they were out of town.


Late night walks in the city are the best.

Sunday was much more productive!  I spent the majority of the morning cleaning up the house – I’m talking a deep clean of the kitchen and major dusting of the dining room.  I plan on finishing up the second half of the apartment today or tomorrow.

Around 3:00 p.m., Brian and I decided to take full advantage of the gorgeous weather and hit the town!  I stopped by a few places and got some necessities for our upcoming Hilton Head Island trip:

New Sandals – Check

Maxi Dresses Galore – Check

I also bought a new pair of running shoes!


Welcome to the Mizuno family 🙂

After some shopping, we realized how hungry we were and checked out Woodie’s Flat in Old Town.  It was our first time going there, but we knew it would be a hit once we saw a sign for $3 mimosas, $5 bloody mary’s and $3 fireball shots/. #winning


We split an order of the grilled buffalo wings while I opted for the Southwest Chicken Salad as my main entree.


The salad was HUGE and so so delicious.

As you may have noticed by now, my weekend did not include any running.  I mentioned last week that my knee was hurting me a little and I that was no joke.  I’m not really sure what happened or how it occurred, but it definitely felt like some kind of pull or strain.  I decided not to mess with it and took a much needed three days of rest, but full of lots and lots of stretching.  I am happy to say that I woke up this morning pain-free and am eager to go on a LIGHT jog OUTSIDE this afternoon 🙂

Most important rule: Listen to your body

And yes, I said outside!  It’s 50 degrees here in Chicago, which will be followed by 1 to 2 inches of snow on Wednesday.  GROAN.

Meal and Fitness Plans for the Week:

Monday: 3 Mile Jog + Strength; Turkey Tacos and Salad

Tuesday: 35 minute tempo + Quads Circuit; Grilled Salmon and Haricot Verts

Wednesday: Soccer Playoffs!; Toasted Open Faced Egg Sandwiches

Thursday: 4 Mile Run; Garbage Salads

Friday: Rest; Dinner at my parents – Shrimp!

Saturday: Punk the Monk 5k Trail Run; St. Patty’s Day Celebration in Chicago – Wing it!

Sunday: Yoga; Spaghetti Squash Bake

I love having the time to plan out my week!

I’m Back!

20 Nov

Guys, I’m back – I know you missed me.

Things have been crazy around here between Open Enrollment with work and holiday festivities, I decided to take a bit of a media cleanse.  Instead of waking up – going to work – gym – dinner – blogging – bed.  My days looked more like waking up – gym – going to work – glass of wine – enjoying time off – bed.

I really needed that extra hour or two I would normally spend blogging each night to just unwind after a crazy day.  I am happy to report that I am back feeling fully rested and excited to share some of my recent happenings and future endeavors.

Food Wise

I’ve been enjoying my usual delicious meals and happened to snag a few photo bites while on my “cleanse”.

Healthy stuff like salads from Noodles & Company after a long day of shopping with friends:


Spicy Chicken bites with a pile of veggies on the side (yes, I will share this delicious recipe with you once I’ve perfected the spice combo – seriously they are so addictive):


Fresh Omelets made to order by one of my best friends:


And of course some unhealthy indulgences like these churros from Xoco where my parents and I grabbed a late night bite:


It was actually my first time dining at Xoco, I have been to Rick Bayless’s Frontera and Topolobampo, but never the smaller more affordable place (makes sense, not..)  I was extremely impressed with the level of service at Xoco even though it was not his flagship restaurant.  I ordered the short rib soup in a red chile broth that came to the table without the short rib the first time around.  The manager of the restaurant immediately came over and apologized and explained that this is not the standard they try to maintain at.  He then offered dessert and coffee on the house and how could we resist?  Along with the churros he delivered sample sizes of their famous Mexican hot chocolate and oh my it was to die for.

Workout Wise

I’ve still been working out everyday – there’s not cleanse from that.  My gym is starting to become more and more crowded as the cold creeps in so my early morning workouts are now a must.


A lot of treadmill runs have been completed and the Nike Training Club App is still a favorite.  I am running a Turkey Trot next week on Thanksgiving Day and checked the weather today to see what is in store – a high of 35 degrees.  Looks like I may need to do a couple outside practice runs so that my lungs can get used to the cold weather.

Fun Wise

I enjoyed watching the Bears beat the Ravens last week


… but not until after the severe weather delay.  As many of you know, there were several severe tornado outbreaks in the central part of Illinois that caused a lot of damage and took a heavy toll on some of the local communities.  The storm was not that bad out where I was in Chicago, in fact, after it had passed we went outside and only a few branches had fallen from the trees.


We were fortunate.  For a while the weatherman predicted that Chicago would end up being in the tornado’s path, but it shifted at the last minute.

On another note, can you guys believe that next week is Thanksgiving?  I’m super pumped mainly because I love to eat, but also because my sister will be in town as well as some of my other relatives, it’s BRIAN’S BIRTHDAY on blackout Wednesday and my best friend, Stacey’s birthday on Black Friday.  So much celebrating ahead of me!

Until tomorrow, friends!

Winter Workout Motivation

13 Nov

Man I love snow!

I am so sad that our brief dusting on Tuesday did not last longer.  When it snows, my Facebook news feed lights up with people loving on the white stuff or hating it.  To each their own I say, but man oh man do I love it.  I think as an adult who has a passion for winter sports (ie: skiing and snowboarding) how could you hate it?  It’s like an adult playground.  I do not enjoy the cold the February, early March windy, in your face freezing cold.  Brrr.


Tuesday after work, I enjoyed taking a walk to the grocery store to take in the beautiful flakes.  I was able to stock up on yummy items for the week including a new bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon that was an absolute must have 🙂


Meals for the week:

Monday – Leftovers

Tuesday – Chicken “Burrito” Quinoa Bowls

Wednesday – Skirt Steak and Veggies

Thursday – Chicken Bites and Salad

Friday – Out to Eat

Saturday – Homemade Pizza

How is everyone doing on their workout schedule this fall/winter?  I know the cold convinces a lot of people to stay in rather than get out, but remember that working out is not only good for the heart, but good for the mind too.  I find that I am a little crabbier in the winter due to lack of sunshine, but I feel and SLEEP so much better when a workout is involved.  I am happy to say that I have hooked my parents on to the Nike Training Club App!  It’s so easy for them to squeeze in workouts from home now and they can do them together!  Here are some other ways I stay motivated during the winter:

Dessert:  Pumpkin Pie, Sugar Cookies, Chocolate Truffles, Decadent Cakes… I’m not one to turn down holiday goodies but I also don’t want my pants to shrink 🙂  I run for pie.

Revisit your goals: Winter is not just a new season, it’s a great time to plan out what you want to accomplish the next few months.  Maybe preparation for Race season?

Take up a winter sport:  This is a lot more fun when you have friends will to play with you.  For the past two years, a group of my work buddies and I travel to some “resort” in Wisconsin and spend a weekend skiing and snowboarding.  It is so much fun and an excellent workout!

Dress the part:  What better gift to wish for for the Holidays than cute workout gear?  Strut your stuff around the gym and meet new people!  I met one of my gym buddies just by randomly asking her to show me how to use the rowing machine!

Try a new class at your local gym: Whether it’s yoga, pilates, boot camp or body pump, these classes will help you stay engaged and keep you on a good schedule throughout the winter.

Yesterday, I ran 4 miles on the treadmill which surprisingly went by very fast (probably because Castle was on t.v.) and then headed to the mat area to complete a 15 minute Ab workout.

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Halfway through my workout, I noticed a man who was almost mimicking the moves I was doing and saw that he too was using the app!  Seriously, download it now.

When I got home, Brian was already grilling up the chicken for our “Burrito Bowls”.  I put that in quotations because instead of using rice in our bowls we use quinoa!  More protein!  I topped my bowl with lettuce, chicken, grilled peppers and guacamole.


It hit the spot.  I had a tiny sweet tooth after I finished my meal so I ended my night with a Trader Joe’s Mango Greek Yogurt topped with dark chocolate chips.

I was a happy happy girl 🙂

Parisian Flashbacks

8 Nov

You know who I’m really girl crushing on lately (sorry, Brian)? Lorde.  Day and night, I love all her tracks… They are so good.  I have also been in this Parisian Cafe music kick, especially when I cook these kinds of meals:


Now I know that pasta is generally viewed as being an Italian staple, but let’s be honest you can find it anywhere.  When I lived in Paris for one summer, I had a very very small ‘studio’ apartment.  Basically it had a bathroom, a desk area (I was “studying” abroad after all), a small kitchenette, table seating for two and a bed… Futon actually.  Two things I loved most about my room was my courtyard view:


It wasn’t exactly the most beautiful courtyard area but it was great for people watching.  My second favorite thing about my apartment was the fact that I had a kitchen that I could cook in if I didn’t want to eat out.

My meals frequently consisted of a baguette and a good chunk of Brie cheese, fresh vegetables from the street market and pasta.  My go to was always spaghetti with a garlic lemon butter sauce and fresh parsley.


Heaven.  Let’s be honest, butter just makes everything better.  I guess I’m supposed to say, “In moderation”. 😉

This exact meal came back into my life last night after work and it was great lighting a candle, pouring myself a glass of wine and stepping back in time.  I did add a little chicken and mushrooms to boost up the protein, but it still tasted the same.  Paris is my favorite place in the whole world.

To balance this seductive indulgence, I set my alarm for 5:00 am today and headed to the gym.  I ran a brisk 3 miles on the treadmill – groan to treadmill season – and then headed to the mat area to get my Nike Training Club on.


I only had 20 minutes or so before I needed to get into the shower so I selected the 15 minute Leaner legs workout.

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I loved the intensity of this workout and how fast it went buy.  You change movements every minute which really keeps you engaged.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

Blogging and Da Bulls

30 Oct

I realize while writing this blog post that I smell and should probably not be sitting on this nice new couch I bought for myself.  Now that it’s fall, it is so cold when I get out of the shower that I try and delay it as much as possible after a nice workout – gross? Probably.


I headed to the gym after work yesterday and was not really in the mood to do so.  I had friends left and right going to bars to watch the bulls game, that I had to shut down my inner FOMO (fear of missing out) in order to walk through the gym door.

Due to the Halloweenie season, my candy intake has raised quite a bit so the gym was a must – no excuses.  P.s. those Skittles/Nerds/Laffy Taffy/Sweet Tart combo bags really get me.  I can pass up a Reese’s or Twix Bar any day, but that sour/sweet combo is too hard to resist sometimes.  Gah.

I ran a brisk three miles on the treadmill followed by an intense thigh-focused workout:


Wowza – that was a good one and required lots and lots of stretching before I left.

On my way to the bus, I stopped by Treasure Island to pick up some of my favorite Larabar flavors.  FYI – of all the grocery stores in Chicago, they always have the best selection.  Pretty much every single flavor, except they have been out of the seasonal flavors – Pumpkin Pie and Snickerdoodle.  Bummer.

I loaded up on Key Lime Pie, Lemon Bar and the best ever – Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte.

Yum.  These bars are great for breakfast or even dessert!  Most of the bars are made with 5 ingredients or less.  For instance, the Key Lime Pie bars contain dates, cashews, almonds, unsweetened coconut and lime juice.  Their Banana Bread bar only contains dates, almonds and bananas – great ingredients and an even better taste.

When I got home from the gym, Brian already had dinner waiting for me!  Twas an excellent surprise!


Chicken Asada with quinoa, sliced avocado and fresh squeezed lemon juice.  I was STARVING and inhaled this in less than five minutes.

This brings us to my present time right now.  Blogging, belly full and watching the Bulls game.


With this little stinker.

I’m reading my usual evening blogs and stumbled across Monica’s blog which is featuring an awesome fall challenge – “Pile on the Miles.’  Her annual event challenges her readers to walk or run more during the month of November.  The goal?  To pile on miles instead of piling on pounds before the holiday season begins.  I am all for challenges and for extra motivation to get me to the gym, so I decided to sign up with a goal of 100 miles throughout the month of November.  Can I dominate this challenge?  Sure I can!

The question is, will you?

Fads/Trends I Never Got Into…

22 Oct

Yesterday I was asked by someone I know how I lost all my weight, specifically what trends/fads I followed.  While we all know that there is no miracle to weight loss, there are some fads that come to mind that just never stuck with me.

Overnight Oats

When I first made the commitment to myself to start losing weight and getting back in shape, all of the food/fitness bloggers that I followed were making ‘overnight oats’.  Put some oats and milk in a mason jar or leftover peanut butter jar – add some delicious toppings – throw it in the fridge and pull it out the next morning!  Sounds great right?  Well… A. I’m not really an oats kind of girl.  Nope – not me.  Give me some eggs, turkey bacon, protein pancakes, Greek yogurt and I am set.  B.  When I get home from the gym or soccer or drinks with friends… really the last thing I want to do before I go to bed is prep some oats.  All in all, I think I tried it once and it just didn’t stick with me.

Diet Shakes/Bars/Cereal

I had roommates in college who LOVED the Special K cereal and cereal bars.  Those tangy little strawberries really freak me out so I’ve always passed.  Also… Diet Shakes.  Ugh.  Why would you want to skip a meal and replace it with a shake?!  I can have a full breakfast spread that has twice the amount of nutrients for the same calories as one of those shakes.  Don’t get me wrong, I love a good protein shake after an intense workout – but I don’t replace that shake with a full meal.  That’s not a lifestyle I want to live – I love food too much!

The Fast Diet

Speaking of loving food… I have a few relatives and family friends on the “Fast Diet” and they have lost weight on it which is great! … but really?  Why limit yourself to only 500 – 600 calories one day and then blow it on another day?  I know some things work differently for other people, but this is on trend that will NEVER work for me.  Can you imagine going to the gym when you only consumed that little the whole day?  Yikes.

So what was the “secret” to my weight loss success?  HARD WORK DAMNIT!  🙂

No one can convince you what will and will not work for you, but there is no magic pill, shake, diet or cereal trend that will keep your weight down consistently.  You have to want to make the lifestyle change and you have to want it bad.  Get your butt in the gym at least 4-5 times a week and make sure you are eating balanced – nutrient rich – protein packed meals! I know you can do it!

Phew.  Enough motivation for today.  Back to the grind.

Yesterday was a crash course back into the real world – it’s amazing how many emails can accumulate in my work inbox for being gone only two days.  By the end of the work day I was exhausted from catching up I went immediately back home to relax.  Actually, I got a pleasant surprise when one of my best friends, Katie, was locked out of her apartment and had to take refuge in my home 🙂  It was fun catching up with her and cooking!


We made chicken fajitas and boy did they hit the spot.  Brian grilled up the Carne Asada chicken breasts from Trader Joe’s while my Katie sauteed some peppers and I prepped all the toppings.  TEAMWORK!



After we ate, cleaned home and Katie got back into her apartment it was time for Soccer.  Man – oh – Man was it a chilly game.  It was around 35 degrees when we played at 8:30 p.m. and we were right next to the lake which meant a great breeze haha.

Nevertheless, it was a great game and a good workout!  Late night soccer games always leave me so energized before bed, so the night ended with a little wrestling match with Bailey.


Until tomorrow, friends!