Tag Archives: Mimosas

Snapshots: Easter Weekend

21 Apr

We had quite the eventful Easter weekend! …Even though I thought it was going to be a low key one.

Saturday morning I was up bright and early to meet Lindsay for our half marathon training run.  We originally had a 10k on our calendars, however, we decided to just maintain our endurance level and shoot for another 8 mile run.  I met Lindsay at her place and decided to DIVVY my way up there.  If you are not from Chicago, DIVVY is our bike share program throughout the city.  It is super convenient and easy to use.  There is a DIVVY station about a block away from my apartment and one right in front of Lindsay’s doorstep.

It was a beautiful, beautiful day, so we decided to stick to the Lakeshore path to take in all of the amazing views.


We passed the Lincoln Park Zoo where we were tempted to join in the free Easter egg hunt and play with the monkeys and zebras.

Before we knew it we were up back towards Wrigley which lead our run to conveniently end right by an Einstein Bagels – win!

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Lately, my post run cravings have included bagels and lemonade.  When I went to go get my lemonade at Einsteins, the Lemonade dispenser must of been running on it’s last leg because I got a really nasty, watery tasting lemonade.

city 3

This is my unhappy lemonade face.

The rest of Saturday was spent cleaning and prepping for our Easter celebration.

My parents got down into the city super early on Sunday to save some seats at the Easter mass we went to.  I had no problem heading over to the church early in part because it was GORGEOUS outside, but also I wanted to watch the little kids do their post mass Easter egg hunt.  So cute.

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city 4

After mass, we headed back to my apartment to finish the prep of dinner.  My parents were in charge of the appetizer and brought over this amazing goat cheese and roasted pepper dish as well as some cute Easter treats.  Shout out to my cousins in Ohio for sending us an awesome Edible Arrangement!  Once Brian’s family arrived it was time to pop the champagne, open a few bottles of wine and get to dining!





Can we talk about how awesome these cream puffs/swans were that Brian’s cousin Diane brought?  Almost too pretty to eat… almost 😉

I am so so so so full and happy that we were able to celebrate with friends and family this weekend.  Brian and I had an amazing time hosting Easter dinner and can’t wait to dig into all of the leftovers!

Hope you all had a nice weekend!

2014 Shamrock Shuffle 8k

2 Apr

Hello, hello!

This past Sunday I ran the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle for my third year in a row.  The race is one of my favorite for many reasons:

– It is the ‘official’ start to race season

– You get to run through the River North/Downtown Loop neighborhoods

– It is usually the start of warmer weather

– People always have awesome outfits


This year I was in the first wave of runners – corral D that started at 8:30 a.m.  Brian and I got down to the starting area with plenty of time for me to take pictures and visit the beloved porta potties 🙂  Brian did not run the race with me this year, but he always loves to come and watch for the post race celebration.

I was a little nervous lining up at the start because I had just ended an amazing week long vacation in which I ate and drank … A LOT.  I did manage to get a bunch of runs/workouts in, but nothing over 3.5 miles.  Needless to say, I was just going to enjoy the run and not go into it hoping for a PR.


Bank of America sponsored races are always very well organized, so the race started exactly on time and we were off!

As I mentioned earlier, the route is one of my favorites.  First we ran north from Grant Park towards the River North area and then turned West all the way down to State Street.  Then we swung a left and ran south all the way down State passing the famous Chicago Theatre!


Once we hit Jackson st. we ran west again passing my work and the Chicago Board of Trade.


It’s funny running by work when I’m not actually going IN the building 🙂

At Lasalle we turned right and went north until we got to Monroe… there were a few more twists and turns after that – you get the idea.  Eventually we were back on Michigan Ave. headed south towards Roosevelt Rd. and the infamous ‘final stretch hill’.  Right before “the hill” I saw this runner with an AWESOME sign pinned on her back.



The whole time I was running I was totally in the zone and enjoying the awesome sunny weather and the 30,000 runners/spectators.  I honestly was not even paying attention to my time, but I ended up running a pretty decent race!


Better than last year’s Shamrock Shuffle time, but not a new 8k PR.  I was a happy camper nonetheless, and ready for some BEER.


Brian and I spent about an hour sipping on some light beer and taking in the spectacular view.


I love you, Chicago.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing and enjoying the beautiful day (plus, my last day before heading back to work – boo). This relaxing state included and awesome brunch we threw together full of scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, mimosas and fresh pineapple.


Hit. The. Spot.

I also took the time to plan out my training plan for the month of April.


I cannot believe how quickly the first quarter of the year went by!  My mileage is starting to rack up and I am pumped to start running my long runs with my good ol’ running buddy – the other LINDSAY!  I’m not sure how you train for a half marathon or full marathon without a running buddy.  So much motivation!

Great news friends… IT’S HUMP DAY!  Cheers!


5 Nov



Yup, this is how my morning is starting and I’m thrilled.

Sunday and Monday were such great days, how could the Bears not win?

If you are from the Chicago-land area you should be with my in stating the fact that it was a GORGEOUS day on Sunday.  Brian and I took our time getting out of bed and getting breakfast started.  I was really in the mood for some delicious pumpkin protein pancakes, but we were out of bananas so turkey bacon and eggs it was.  Brian also made a coffee run and brought me back a delicious soy cappuccino that woke me right up!  Although the morning was nice and relaxing, I didn’t want to wait too too long to get my workout in.  It was one of those mornings where I couldn’t decide if I wanted to run or lift weights – so I did both.

I headed over to the gym shortly after my breakfast and put all my belongings in my locker.  Then I left the gym and headed out on a 5 mile run to take in the sights.

I’m telling you, it was a beautiful day.


My run ended perfectly back at the gym where I spent time focusing on weights to improve my upper body strength and gave my legs a rest.  I worked up quite the appetite and decided to treat myself to the Whole Foods salad bar across the street.  We all know Whole Foods is a magical place and you are just as likely to blow your entire paycheck there as you are in Target.  There were so many things I ‘wanted’ to buy, but what good a giant cherry pie do for me at 1:00 in the afternoon? 😉

I settled on an awesome kale and tofu salad, grabbed a honeycrisp apple, a giant sandwich for Brian and some champagne – obviously.

The combination made for an excellent late Sunday lunch.


The rest of the day was spent on the couch, watching football and prepping some things for work.

Open Enrollment officially began at my company yesterday so things are still as busy as ever.  I had to speak in front of 100+ people yesterday, which is something I don’t do often so practicing on Sunday was a must.  I did the old – talk in front of a mirror shin-dig which seemed to help with my nerves.

The presentation went well overall, so 1 down 2 more to go!

Lean, Clean and Green July

2 Jul

Good Morning!

My alarm clock went off at 5:00 a.m. today and I wasn’t thrilled about it.  I was so comfortable in my bed since there was a slight chill in the air and my quilt was nice and toasty.  I rolled over and took look at Bailey who looked right at me and then curled back up in a ball and went to sleep.  I guess that meant she didn’t want to come with me on my run…

Oh we’ll… Despite my sluggishness, I knew that I would feel 10x better once I was done with my run.  5 miles was slotted on my half-marathon training plan and it went by really quickly!  It was a really good morning for a run – not too windy (if you weren’t by the lake) and the perfect temperature.  While running I kept thinking of how the half-marathon is only 20 days away and freaking out if I will be ready or not.  To be determined, I guess!

Yesterday I tried to stay as lean, clean and green as possible because I know I will be in a bathing suit for the majority of July.  Lunch consisted of a fresh Kale salad with a sliced up Dr. Praegers veggie burger.

Delicious.  I showed this picture to Brian and he said my veggie burger looked like poop.  He’s so mature 🙂

After work, Brian and I ran some errands to get the provisions for 4th of July at my parents house.

You get where I’m going with this?

It was also a really good excuse to take Bailey on a walk – she’s watching her figure for summer too 😉  I love walking around my neighborhood, however, it is still really dirty after the PRIDE parade.  I hope it rains tonight so the dirt/other disgusting things can get washed away.  Also, all the trash cans are still really full… what’s up with that?  Shouldn’t the city have known that would happen and pulled like double duty on the trash situation.  Ugh.


Anyways, dinner was quick and simple – chicken, quinoa and asparagus.

I’m so excited that it’s already Tuesday because tomorrow I have a half day, the office is closed on the 4th and then it’s my birthday!  Whooo!!

Whenever I yell Woooo!  I think of the “woo girls” from How I Met Your Mother.


Love that show.

I’m starting to ramble… time to work!

Weekend Snapshots

1 Jul

Weekend Snapshots


Photo 2

Fresh Lemon Shrimp Pasta

photo 3

Salads and Edamame

photo 4

Brown Rice Cakes with Greek Yogurt, Honey, Almond Butter, Cinnamon and Dark Chocolate Chips


photo 1

Visiting best friends from college

photo 5

Pre 10 mile training run

photo 6

Post 10 mile training run

photo 7

This weekend was pretty tame, minus the 10 mile run.  I really enjoyed spending the majority of my time around the apartment just relaxing and doing a little cleaning and working.  This week is going to be crazy with all of the HR projects, 4th of July and Birthday activities – so I’m glad I took it all in while I could.

Yesterday’s training run was good!  Honestly, the whole day I had kind of an upset stomach because I was so NERVOUS about running 10 miles.  It’s the farthest I’ve ever run before!!  PRIDE parade was on Sunday, so me and my running buddy – also named Lindsay – waited until the evening so we wouldn’t get stopped by the parade goers.  We started by going south down lake shore which was really pretty as the sun was setting, but there were still a lot of drunk pride goer’s out 🙂  People watching is the best… especially when you run right by them. When we looped up north we soon realized running close to the lake was not going to be an option because it was SO WINDY.  We weaved in and out of the neighborhood streets and completed the run with a time of about 1:37 – for an average pace of 9:42 min/mi.  We were thrilled!

During the run we both took a Clif shot block around mile 6/7 to help fuel, but shortly after the run I started to feel a sugar crash.  I had drank a lot of water once I stopped and snacked on a protein bar, but I was starting to feel sick very quickly.  I grabbed a beer and Brian made a pizza which helped a lot, but the lesson was pretty much learned.  Fueling during long runs is very important, as is what you eat before hand.  I had a good solid lunch and a piece of peanut butter toast and hour before our run, but I think I should have had something a little more substantial like a bagel.

Have any of you ever experienced a crash after a run?  What helps you recover?


Victory tastes so SWEET

24 Jun

Good Morning!

I trust you all had a good weekend – the weather here in Chicago was AWESOME – perfect for the first weekend of summer.

The happenings: FOOD

Taco Bars and Fresh Pineapple


Mashed Hard Boiled Eggs (am I the only one who mashes them?)


Picnics by the Lake – Turkey Sandwiches and Goat Cheese Salads


Spicy Shrimp and Quinoa


I managed to stay relatively healthy during the weekend except for some over indulgent Mexican food Saturday evening 😉  This was due in part because the BRUNETTES won our charity flag football game!

The happenings: ACTIVITIES

The win was long overdue as the blondes had held the title for the past two years.  Saturday was a great day for football, much better than the 100 degree weather we had to play in last year.  The game consisted of four 15 minute quarters which literally flew by – I honestly can’t remember what the final score was but I know it was really close!


Post game – we all headed over to the Fireplace Inn in Old Town with our family and friends to celebrate.


Victory tastes so good!

Sunday was definitely a recovery day… it took a whole lot of strength to get out of bed before 10:00 a.m.  I had no real desire to do anything too active that day, but the weather was so beautiful I couldn’t waste it inside.  Brian and I decided to head over to the lake and enjoy the sunshine with a picnic!  We made a few stops along the way including – Pastoral – my favorite picnic shop in Lakeview.  I grabbed a delicious Turkey sandwich and salad to go accompanied by some champagne and orange juice to help fuel the recovery 🙂


There were tons of people out by the lake – and lot’s of dogs too!  Bailey made a few friends and was exhausted by the time we left from all of the running around.


The evening ended with a quick 5 mile run that was supposed to be more like 9, but was interrupted by some intense rain.  I personally run with my iPhone and really hate the arm bands because they are not comfortable on me.  Because of this, I was fearful that my phone would get wet and I really don’t have the $$ to go buy a new one 🙂  I guess I didn’t really realize it was supposed to storm, otherwise I would have brought a cover for my phone and it wouldn’t have been an issue.  Oh well.  Lesson learned – and I was still really sore from the game anyways!

Cheers to a productive work week!!

PAWS Run for Lagunitas

10 Jun

I woke up Sunday morning excited beyond belief that it was sunny and 70 degrees outside – The complete opposite of what I experienced last week at the United Run for the Zoo 10k.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that Bailey was already awake patiently waiting for someone to get up and play.  As I walked through the apartment, I tried to remember how it felt to not hear the pitter patter of Bailey’s tiny feet walking around the hard wood floor.  It’s crazy to think that she has only been in my life for 9 months, but I am so incredibly grateful that she has.

Bailey followed me around the kitchen while I made my usual pre-race breakfast: Peanut Butter Toast and coffee.  She looked at me hoping that I might lower my spoon and give her a big lick – which I happily did 🙂

We spent the early hours stretching together on my yoga mat and occasionally playing with her rope toy.  By 8:00 a.m. – It was time to get dressed for the race and head up to Montrose Harbor.  The PAWS Run For Their Lives 8k was a great mid sized run.  Not too many people – but just enough to come out and support a great foundation rooted in Chicago.

photo(159)The race began right around 9:00 a.m. and the trail was absolutely gorgeous.  We ran up and down the lakeshore path enjoying the sights and other runners/bikers out and about.  The first three miles literally flew by – I was having so much fun!  Around mile 3.5 the heat and humidity started to creep up on me, but my mind had other plans.  I kept telling myself that I would much rather sweat sunscreen in my eyes than experience the feeling of not being able to feel my hands.  Life was good.

I finished the race and took a look at my watch – a new 8k PR!  42:35 – an 8:34 mile pace which I was very happy with 🙂

photo(157)At the end of the race complimentary Lagunitas Beer and Bloody Mary’s were calling my name.  I mean c’mon – is there a better way to finish a race than sipping on some Lagunitas and watching all of the adorable pups run around and play?  I think not.  Shortly after my finish, Brian and Bailey came over to join me and Bailey was sporting her snazzy PAWS Alumni bandana.

photo(155)Such a cutie.  Bailey loved interacting with all of the dogs and even participated in one of the agility courses that was set up on the field.

photo(156)She was a natural!

We spent several hours at the post-race area – probably the longest I’ve ever spent after a race.  We loved walking around and talking to other owners, hearing their stories of when they rescued their dog and what their story was.  I had put sunscreen on before I left the apartment, but I should have brought it along for the ride because my shoulders and neck got a little toasty from all of the sun exposure!  Yikes.

Around 12:30 p.m. Bailey gave us the look – the I’m ready for a nap look – so we made our way down the trail back to our apartment.  By this point, a couple rain clouds had rolled in, but the shade felt really nice on our sun-burnt faces 🙂

By the time we got home, we were absolutely STARVING so we dropped Bailey off and headed over to our local favorite – Bridget McNeil’s!  It is our local favorite, because it is literally across the street from us – how convenient!  We ordered a pitcher of mimosas to start and then I settled on the Turkey Club with a side salad as my main meal.

photo(154)Do you see that pitcher in the background?  How large and in charge it is?  $6.00.  I’m not lying.

Once our bellies were full – we headed back home to relax.  The rest of the evening was spent on the couch reminiscing about the great weekend and looking forward to the next!  Two of our friends are getting married in up-state Wisconsin – ROAD TRIP!

How did you spend your weekend?

United Run for the Zoo

3 Jun

Good Morning, Friends!  I hope you all had a great weekend… mine went by way too fast.

Some of the highlights included:

Friday after work drinks with good friends.

Walks around the neighborhood and finding new restaurants to try… including this new brewery that is opening just down the street from me!


Fresh cherries that are now in season.


Carbo-loading for the race on Sunday.

Andddd of course, the race.

I woke up Sunday morning, very excited to conquer the 6.2 miles ahead of me and to participate in celebratory drinks afterwards.  One of the first things I do before a race is check the weather and according to weather.com, it was cool, cloudy and there was a 0% chance of precipitation.  I was good with that.

I prepped my usual Pre-race breakfast and did some stretching before my friend, Stacey, met me to head over to the start.   The race started and ended at the Lincoln Park Zoo which is a 20 minute walk from my apartment, so I had her meet me at my place.

Once she arrived, it was very evident that weather.com had lied.  It was cold, windy AND raining.  I didn’t really have time to make any adjustments to my outfit, but I grabbed a plastic bag to put my phone in while I ran.  The walk to the start was honestly not that bad.  I didn’t feel too cold and I knew once I was running I would warm up!

The race was one of the smaller ones I’ve signed up for which I liked – we didn’t have to worry about making corral times or any of the jazz.

Once the race started, I was pleasantly surprised that the trail was not too congested.  I didn’t feel like I was constantly having to weave in and out of people because the road we started on was very wide.

I liked the course, but it was definitely challenging!  There were a lot of hills which us Chicagoans are not really used too 🙂

The first 3 miles were good, I liked running through the zoo and experiencing a trail that I don’t run too often.  Also, Brian and Bailey were hanging out at mile 3.5 which really made me happy 🙂



After mile 4 was when things started to get a little dicey… my quads started to get really tight and I had stepped in a few puddles which was causing friction inside of my shoes.  I wanted so bad to pull over and stretch, but I knew that it would be twice as hard to get back my momentum.  It was a mental game from there on.  As I mentioned earlier, there were a lot of surprise hills along the course which came as a shock to not only me but also the runners around me.  The worst was right after mile 5… all of the runners around me groaned – it was quite amusing.

Once I saw the mile 6 marker, I really picked up my pace and just wanted to get the run over with!  I was so happy to finish, and was very surprised to find out my overall time…


My pace was a lot faster than I had intended, but I was happy that I pushed myself to finish and did not stop when my mind wanted me to.  I immediately started stretching after I crossed the finish and waited for Stacey to be done.  She did not finish that much later than me, but I was definitely feeling the effects of the weather on my body.  I didn’t bring a sweatshirt or long sleeve with me and my upper body was getting very cold.  We had plans to go get brunch once she had finished but I desperately needed to go home and put on warmer clothes.  I was so desperate that I ended up RUNNING home because I could not stand walking in the rain/wind/cold.  It. was. brutal.

I’m fairly certain I took the longest hot shower of my life that day.

The rest of the day was spent heading back out to meet with Stacey – sipping on mimosas – and creating a delicious homemade pizza at the end of the night.


Also, if you are a Game of Thrones fan, like myself, the evening was spent in complete horror and shock.  I will not say more.

I sure hope this weather warms up, because it does not feel like we are 19 days away from summer!

Mother’s Day Extravaganza

13 May

What a great weekend we just had!

Friday started out with one of our best friends from New York flying in and meeting us at our favorite bar – Hopleaf.  We stayed there all night catching up, drinking delicious craft beer and splitting an order of frites!

The next morning we all woke up bright and early to prepare for the big bachelor weekend Brian and our friend were participating in.  I made a big batch of protein pancakes to fuel our mornings and then they were off!

All of the men wore personalized Jerseys that accompanied the theme of the bachelor weekend — the groom is a huge soccer fan and part of the day-long celebration was going to a Chicago Fire game.

While the men were out drinking, my mother and sister made their way down to the city to start the Mother’s Day Extravaganza.  Before I met up with them, I went on a light 3 mile jog and completed a few Tone It Up! toning videos.

I met the family in the Lincoln Park area where we spent 3 hours shopping and strolling the area.  One of our pit stops included a bakery gem called Interurban Cafe and Pastry Shop.  This amazing bakery is located just off Armtiage in an ALLEY.


Seriously, you might miss it if you don’t look closely, but it adds a little charm to this sweet spot.  My sister and I split a homemade apple cinnamon “poptart” that tasted like a decadent apple pie.


We also picked up a few lemon spice cake pops and some homemade trail mix.  Everything was so delicious, it was the perfect shopping snack!


After we finished shopping, my sister and I headed back to my apartment and my mother headed into the city to spend the night at the Marriott with my dad.

Kristan, my sister, and I relaxed with Bailey for a few hours, ordered some Thai food and then headed out to a birthday party for my sisters friend who was turning 21!  I cannot believe my sister and her friends are turning 21… This means I’m getting old.  We’re only four years apart, but still 🙂

Sunday morning, Kristan and I headed down to my parents hotel room so we could start the Mother’s Day festivities.  We packed my mom’s gift, some coffee to go, flowers and a bottle of champagne – obviously!  My mom opened her gifts and loved what my sister and I got her – a CamelBack Hydration Pack!  My mom and dad go on a lot of bike rides in the summer and my mom always talks about how she wishes there was a more convenient way to carry around water.


She was very happy with all of her gifts 🙂

Around 11:00 a.m. – we headed over to GT Fish & Oyster for brunch!  I have been to GT several times for dinner, but never for brunch so I was VERY excited.


Of course, the food was amazing!  My mother ordered the Biscuits with Lobster Gravy which was creamy and succulent, my dad got the Homemade Lox, I got the Crab Benedict, and my sister got the shining start of the morning – the Duck Chilaquiles.


Oh my word – so many wonderful textures and such an amazing fresh taste.  Seriously, if you go there for brunch make sure someone in your group order’s this!  Way to go, Giuseppe Tentori.  What topped off the whole experience was that the restaurant gave my mother a $20 gift certificate to spend on her next brunch there!  Amazing.

After brunch, we parted our ways and I gave my sister an extra big hug because she is leaving to study abroad in Italy/Greece.  What an awesome experience that will be for her!  I studied abroad in Paris, France after my Junior Year of college and it was honestly one of the most life changing experiences I’ve ever had.  Plus, I got to learn a lot more about my favorite subject – food!

The weekend ended with my scheduled training run.  Honestly, it was very difficult to get off the couch and go run after a weekend filled with mimosas and delicious treats,  but it had to be done!  Surprisingly, my legs felt great and the six miles flew by!  It was definitely a chilly and windy run, but there were plenty of people out on the trains to keep me company.


Cheers to a productive Monday!

Food Coma

1 Apr

This is how I feel after this weekend…

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Food coma to the max.  Where did I leave off?  Oh yes, Saturday.

Saturday morning I planned to run 6 miles as a part of my training schedule with a good friend of mine.  We set the “meet” time for 10:00 a.m., so I was able to wake up with plenty of time to eat, digest and stretch.  We started our journey running south down the lakeshore path and it was VERY windy, but beautiful.  In true Chicago spirit, there were a ton of people out on the path due to our first above 50* F temperature.   We made our turn back up north around LaSalle street and wove our way through the Lincoln Park/Lakeview neighborhood.   It was such a good run… the 6 miles really flew by especially because we were talking the entire time.

We finished conveniently by a grocery store, so we stocked up on some Gatorade to refuel while I stretched.  Perfect way to start the day!

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After I stretched, showered and guzzled down a quick protein shake, Brian and I headed out to meet his family for a late lunch.  We ended up choosing Burger Bar because Brian’s aunt is an avid burger fan and we wanted to go somewhere that wasn’t too crowded! (yes I know Kuma’s and DMK would have been great choices – but those lines!!)

At this point – 3:00 p.m. – I was famished and could not wait to sink my teeth into some juicy goodness.  I ordered a bloody mary to start and Brian and I split an order of their sassy wings.  The wings were so meaty and flavorful – they did not seem deep fried at all!  I will have to look into this…

For my entree I ordered the Bison Burger – “Wild Bill” – on a multi-grain bun with goat cheese, arugula and a tomato chutney.  Heavenly.

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The rest of the evening was pretty chill… we cleaned a little for the arrival of my parents on Sunday and watched a movie. Snoozefest.

I woke up very early Sunday morning to finish all the cleaning and prepped some of the food for our Easter feast!  Easter Sunday was such a relaxing day.  My parents and I went to 11:15 a.m. mass and the choir that sang was so amazing!  Sadly, my dad and I could not find any children wearing Easter bonnets – that’s my favorite part!

After mass, we headed back to my apartment and enjoyed some mimosas and smoked salmon dip with crudites and crackers.  I followed the recipe from the Barefoot Contessa for the dip and it was so easy and light.  Win.

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While everyone was unwinding in the living room, I headed to the kitchen to start the main course – Roasted Chicken with Lemon and Fennel.  This recipe was a combination of Martha Stewart’s Roasted Chicken Recipe and The Pioneer Woman.  I just kind of played around with what I thought would taste good and the chicken turned out really well!  Side note – I bought my chicken from Whole Foods and it already came with the gizzards cleaned out – thank goodness!

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This was my first roast chicken I have ever made by myself – I was so proud.

The rest of the meal included a light Lemon Capellini and Parmesan side accompanied by an arugula salad.  The roasted chicken did have its fare share of butter, so I wanted to make sure to balance the meal out with lighter sides 🙂

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My parents and I were discussing the kind of meals most American families prepare on Easter and concluded that we have never baked a ham… is that weird?  I guess we just aren’t really ham lovers – good news for the pigs!

Most of our Easter dinners consisted of either Chicken, Lamb or Duck.  Yum!

Once dinner was over, we relaxed on the couch with coffee (more wine for me!) and little lemon cookies and treats.  It was truly a wonderful Sunday and I had so much fun cooking!

Question: What does your family cook as the main course on Easter?