Tag Archives: Recipe

Quick Beef Bourguignon with Mashed Sweet Potatoes

16 Sep

Tis’ the season for soups, stews, french oven meals and cast iron dishes.  If you’re like me, and have a 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. day job, there is not enough time in the day to make a decadent dish that takes 3 hours.  I too love home cooked meals after a long day at work, so I’m always surfing food websites for ideas on how to cook quick week-night meals.  After having a serious craving for Julia Child’s Boeuf Bourguignon recently, I decided to come up with a quicker version that wouldn’t have me bent over the stove for half the day.


Quick Beef Bourguignon with Mashed Sweet Potatoes


  • 1 lb. beef tenderloin; cubed into 2-inch pieces
  • 1 oz package of mushrooms; quartered
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp. fresh chopped thyme
  • 1 cup low-sodium beef broth
  • 2 tbs. water
  • 2 tbs. flour
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 cup red wine
  • 1 lb. sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 2 tbs. butter, divided
  • 1 tbs. tomato paste
  • Salt & pepper



1.  Fill a large pot with water, place sweet potatoes in them cover and boil over medium-high heat.  Cook for 10 minutes or until fork tender.  Drain the potatoes and keep them in the pot to stay warm.

2.  Using a paper towel, pat the cubed beef pieces dry and season with salt and pepper.


3.  Heat a skillet over medium-high heat.  Add 1 tbsp. butter to melt, then add beef cubes and brown on each side – about 3-4 minutes.  Remove beef from pan and set aside.

4.  Add mushrooms to pan and cook until brown – about 5 minutes.  Add garlic and thyme and cook for 1 more minute.  Add tomato paste and wine and cook until liquid is reduced to half.  Be sure to scrap all the brown bits off the pan and stir to combine.


5.  After liquid has reduced, add beef broth and bring to a boil.

6.  In a separate small bowl, combine the water and flour.  Whisk together and add to the pan.  Cook for 2 minutes – stirring constantly.  Add beef back to pan and cook until desired doneness.

7.  Add remaining butter to sweet potatoes along with almond milk, salt and pepper.  Mash together until light and fluffy.

8.  Serve beef and sauce over mashed sweet potatoes.  Sprinkle with fresh thyme and enjoy!


Seriously nothing better than a home cooked meal.  🙂


Mediterranean Pasta Salad

8 Sep

Another weekend has come and gone…

This one was full of lots of activity, laughter and of course… wine 🙂

Saturday morning started with a nice 4 mile run on a blue bird sky day.

photo 1 (13)

We are now entering my favorite season to go on runs and I can’t wait to get back into race mode with a few I have scheduled these next couple of months.

After I dropped Bailey off at home (oh yes, she came with me!), I headed out to the grocery store to stock up on some items for the weekend.  Specifically, items to make chili and cornbread for football Sunday!  When I got back home, I realized I forgot to pick up items to bring to the Carrie Underwood concert I was headed to that evening.  I frantically pulled whatever was in my fridge/pantry and came up with this awesome pasta salad:

Mediterranean Pasta Salad

  • 1 lb. cavatappi pasta
  • 1/2 cucumber, diced
  • 1/4 cup kalamata olives, diced
  • 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
  • 1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes
  • 1 cup fresh baby spinach
  • 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • Salt and pepper

photo 2 (15)


  1. First, start by making your dressing for the salad.  Whisk together the balsamic vinegar, olive oil, minced garlic, salt and pepper and set aside.
  2. Place a large pot of water over medium high heat and bring to a boil.  Cook your pasta according to package instructions or until just al dente.  It should be noted here, that you can use what ever fun pasta shape you have in your pantry.  However, I would not use a long linguine or spaghetti type noodle for this dish as it wouldn’t hold the dressing quite as well.
  3. Once your pasta is cooked, set aside to cool.
  4. Dice the cucumber, olives, sun dried tomatoes and place in a large mixing bowl.  Add the cooled pasta to the bowl and the vinaigrette.  Add the spinach and toss to coat.  I find it easier to toss the spinach once the vinaigrette has already been added.
  5. Top with crumbled feta cheese and enjoy!

photo 5 (4)

We enjoyed this and so many other great items at our Ravinia picnic – shout out to Kristin’s veggie “deep dish” pizza!


The concert itself was just okay.  I love Carrie Underwood, but she didn’t have an opener and only played for an hour and half so we all left a little disappointed.

Sunday morning, Brian and I headed over to Kendell College for an extravagant brunch to celebrate the graduation of our family/friend, Diane.  Diane took a year-long culinary class through the college and we were able to see all of her hard work come together as the brunch was completely hosted by the students!

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We dined on so many great dishes…. (and sipped on lots and lots of prosecco!).

photo 1 (14)

The favorites among our table were the grits and leek gratin.

Our weekend ended on the couch watching endless amounts of football and enjoying homemade chili and jalapeno cornbread for dinner.

photo 4 (8)

Pretty successful weekend if I do say so myself!  Hope you all enjoyed yours 🙂


My Favorite Protein Pancakes

26 Aug


Well this week started with a bang, I have so much to get done before our road trip to West Virginia it’s unreal.

The good thing is that I had a nice and relaxing weekend to get all geared up for an ultra productive week.

Friday, my coworkers and I enjoyed some adult beverages after work.

This delicious New Glarus Wisconsin Ale brewed with Cherries.  Yum.

photo 2 (13)

… and the Southern Tier Brewing Pumking at home.

photo 1 (11)

(no, I didn’t buy the whole case unfortunately).

You might be thinking… Lindsay… it’s just way to early for such fall type drinks.  Well you are wrong, my friend.  This girl right here lives in the Midwest for a reason.

In keeping with the shotgun fall cuisine, I woke up Saturday morning craving my favorite protein pancakes:

The Best Protein Pancakes Ever

Serves: 2


  • 1 ripe banana, mashed
  • 2 scoops vanilla protein powder
  • 6 egg whites
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 tbsp. almond milk
  • Chocolate chips
  • Banana slices (garnish)
  • Almond butter (garnish)
  • Pure maple syrup (non of that fake shit)


  1. Mash the banana in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients and whisk together.
  3. Cook like regular pancakes… add some chocolate chips if your heart so desires
  4. Top pancakes with some fresh banana slices, a dollop of almond butter and a drizzle of pure maple syrup.  bada bing bada boom.

photo 3 (8)

photo 4 (6)

These pancakes helped fuel our morning workouts at the gym.  I opted to do one of the Spartan WOD’s:

3 vertical jumps (max effort).  Fully recover after each set.  Repeat 3 sets of 3 jumps.

Split Squat Iso Hold.  Accumulate 60 seconds per leg.  Fully recover.  Repeat 3 sets

Accumulate 60 seconds in High Pull-Up Hold then accumulate 20 push-ups.  Fully recover.  Repeat 3 times.

Run 30 minutes – zone 1.  (aka – slower pace)

I was super sweaty after this one.  I typically sweat a lot, but the gym was humid and hot from the weather outside so it just tripled everything.  My running partner, Lindsay, probably would have been embarrassed if she was with me 🙂

Saturday evening, Brian and I attended the 40th birthday of one of our good friends.  I was so busy eating the delicious appetizers and tasting the signature cocktails that I forgot to take pictures of this wonderful event.  After 5 or 6 cocktails… it was a Liiitttllee hard to get up in the morning.

We had big plans to visit the suburbs, however, so there was no time to waste.  It was the PERFECT day to spend outside by the pool.  Bailey thoroughly enjoyed rolling around in the mud pits that have accumulated from all of the rain we have been getting.

photo 5 (3)

She was pissed when we had to give her a cold hose bath.  Basically, she participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

P.s. I saw this on insta this weekend and couldn’t stop laughing…


I can’t even.


Zucchini Noodle Lasanga

19 Aug

Good morning!

There are a couple things that made me really happy this morning:

1. Blooming flowers in my apartment.

photo (5)

1. My upcoming trip to West Virginia over Labor Day weekend.  I will be visiting/staying with my relatives and they are treating Brian and I to a white water rafting trip on the New River Gorge and zip lining through the canopy.  Needless to say, B and I are super pumped.  I need to figure out what I will be wearing on all these outdoor adventures… ie: I should probably buy some shoes that are suitable for rafting.  Hopefully I can find something inexpensive and not have to splurge on a pair of Chaco’s.

2. FOOTBALL SEASON!  I just marked all the Bears games down in my calendar last night and got super nerdy excited about it.  Football season means chili and cornbread season which is one of the best seasons of all!

Last night after work, I met Brian at Whole Foods so we could do our grocery shopping/meal planning for the week.  Here’s what’s on deck:

Monday: Zucchini Noodle Lasagna

Tuesday: Local Trout & Salad

Wednesday: Chicken Fajitas

Thursday: LH dinner with a friend; BS leftovers

Friday: Garlic Mustard Drumettes with Quinoa

Saturday: Takeout

Sunday: Dinner at my parents house


  • 3 medium zucchini
  • garlic
  • cucumber
  • bell peppers (2)
  • broccoli
  • avocado
  • jalapeno (3)
  • Lemons (2)
  • Blueberries


  • trout (2 portions about .8 or .9 lb)
  • ground turkey
  • chicken drumettes


  • shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1 small container of ricotta (15 oz)
  • Greek yogurt (4)

We had a lot of staples in our freezer/pantry for our meal plan this week, so our overall price was under $70.  Win!

Once we got home and unloaded everything, I got straight to work on making the lasagna.  There is something so comforting to me about lasagna, but I always feel a little too full when I order it at restaurants.  I stumbled across Skinnytaste’s Zucchini Lasagna and knew it would be a crowd pleaser in my house.  Plus, this is a wonderful recipe for the summer when everyone’s gardens are bursting with fresh zucchini!


The only real modification we made to her recipe was that we used ground turkey instead of ground beef and we used my mother’s homemade family marinara sauce instead of canned tomatoes.


Although the recipe is a little labor intensive…





photo (4)

The end result is SO worth it.

Oh and don’t be like me and forget to take a picture of the lasagna and gooey, hot and delicious… right out of the oven.  Fail.  Use your imagination, people 🙂

Be sure to check out her recipe here and give it a try!

Weekend Update and a Rockstar Recipe

11 Aug

Good morning, rockstars!

Hope you are all mentally prepared for this work week to begin.  Brian and I were in complete denial that the weekend was over so instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour last night, we stayed up until 1:00 a.m. watching random movies.  Good life choices.

This weekend flew by in part because I had something going on every.single.day.  I love/hate those types of weekend, because truth be told I much prefer being a hermit.  I suppose I’ll save my hermitness for the winter when the polar vortex returns.

Friday after work I headed out to Wheaton, Illinois to visit one of my best college girlfriends and have a wine night.  We enjoyed many… MANY glasses of wine on her balcony and enjoyed a gorgeous sunset to end out the week.  I love visiting the suburbs because it always feels like a mini vacation – away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

photo 1 (8)

Saturday morning, we visited the local farmers market by her house before catching a train back into the city.  And this is where I saw the most giant tree of rosemary I have ever seen:

photo 2 (10)

Think of all the dishes you could create with that!

Once I was back in the city, there was no time for rest as Brian and I were headed out to a Cubs rooftop game to celebrate my friends 30th birthday.

photo 3 (5)

It was a GORGEOUS day for a ballgame and birthday celebrations are always so much fun 🙂

Sunday morning was a little more laid back.  We slept in a little bit and enjoyed a Midwest brunch filled with eggs, turkey bacon and mimosas.  Around 1:00 p.m., I headed out to meet my mom in Willmette to go kayaking on the lake!  The kayaking was fun, however, the lake was a bit choppy which caused me to get a little nauseous the last half hour of ourtrip.  I’ve always been one to easily get motion-sickness and should have probably taken something before going out on the water.

photo (2)

It was still a good workout, though!

To top off the awesome weekend, I tried out a new-to-me recipe from PaleOMG and it was a MAJOR hit.

Artichoke Lemon Pesto Chicken Pasta

Serves 4-5

(The only modifications to this recipe were the addition of red pepper flakes, because I like things SPICY and the fact that we used whole wheat orecchiette instead of spaghetti squash)


  • 1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cubed
  • 1/2 lb. whole wheat orecchiette
  • 12 artichoke hearts, cut in half (the jarred variety)
  • 1/3 cup walnuts
  • 4 tbs. olive oil
  • 4 tbs. vegetable broth
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 cup fresh parsley
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 tbs. red pepper flakes
  • 2 cups spinach
  • Salt and pepper to taste



1. Place a large pot of water on the stove, season with salt and cover to boil

2. In a large saute pan, add 1 tbs. olive oil, 1 clove minced garlic and halved artichoke and cook over medium high heat until the artichokes are slightly browned.  Season with salt and pepper.

3. Once the artichokes are brown, add them to a food processor along with the walnuts, 2 tbs. olive oil, vegetable broth, second minced garlic clove, parsley, basil, lemon, salt and pepper.  Puree until smooth.




4. Add diced chicken to saute pan along with 1 tbs. olive oil, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper.  Cook the chicken over medium- high heat until browned and cooked through.

5.  Once your pot of water is boiling, add the orecchiette and cook until al dente.


6.  Add 1/2 cup of the pesto to the chicken pan and mix to well coat.  Add the spinach and cook until just wilted.


7. Drain the pasta and add to the pan directly, mixing until everything is incorporated and adding more pesto if needed.

8. Serve with a little Parmesan cheese on top and enjoy!


Italian Turkey Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

6 Aug

It’s been a loonnnngggg two days.  Between recovering from Lolla and catching up on a bunch of work stuff, I have been craving a good, hearty and homemade meal.  Since my heating habits were not exactly perfect this past weekend, I wanted to make something relatively clean and nutrient-filled.  I browsed a couple recipes online and landed on PaleOMG’s recipe for Turkey and Spinach Stuffed Sweet Potatoes.  The meal looked excellent, however, I was also really craving Italian so I improvised a little from the original recipe.

Italian Turkey Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

sweet potatoes

Adapted from PaleOMG’s recipe


  • 2 medium sweet potatoes
  • 2 tbs. olive oil
  • 2 fresh garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 yellow onion, diced
  • 1 tbs. fresh basil, minced
  • 1/2 tbs. red pepper flakes
  • 1 lb. organic ground turkey
  • 1 cup canned plum tomatoes, diced with juice
  • 2-3 cups fresh spinach
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • Crumbled goat cheese, for a garnish
  • Aluminum foil


1.  Preheat the oven to 425 degrees

2.  Poke holes in the sweet potatoes with a sharp knife and wrap in aluminum foil separately.  Bake in oven for 50 minutes to 1 hr, depending on size and width.

3.  Prep your ‘Mise en place’, a French phrase which means putting in place or prepping for your meal.  Dice your yellow onion, mince your garlic cloves, mince the fresh basil, pull out your spices and spinach and separate everything so they are all ready to go when needed.

4.  With 15 minutes left for the sweet potatoes to cook, drizzle the olive oil into a large saute pan and add the onion.  Cook the onions over medium high heat for 5-6 minutes or until they are translucent.


5.  Add the ground turkey, garlic, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes.  Cook until turkey is browned.

6.  Once browned, add the plum tomatoes and fresh basil and simmer until turkey is cooked through, about 3-4 more minutes.


7.  Turn off the heat from the saute pan and add the spinach.  Stir until spinach is wilted.


8.  Pull the sweet potatoes from the oven when done and cut open down the middle.

9.  Add turkey stuffing to potato and garnish with a sprinkle of goat cheese.


10.  Enjoy!


Flank Steak and Caprese Salad: Meal Planning Win

22 Jul

Good Morning!

I’ve seem to develop some sort of summertime cold.  Don’t you just hate those?  Is it allergies?  An actual cold?  A sinus infection?  Who knows?!  I seem to always make it through the winter without getting a cold, but come summertime it always hits me.

I was fortunate enough to be able to work from home yesterday as Bailey’s battle wound (hornet, read yesterday’s post) had not really shown improvement and I wanted to be able to monitor it and talk to the vet about what to do.  Brian calls me the ‘helicopter mom’, which is fine.  When a giant – liquid-filled mass forms on my babygirl, I’m going to be worried!  Plus, this is the first time this has happened and I just want to make sure we were doing the right thing.  FYI, if your dog ever has an allergic reaction to a bee or hornet sting, benedryl and ice will do the trick.

Speaking of Bailey… this weekend Brian and I received something truly awesome from my sister’s boyfriend.

photo 1 (14)

A gorgeous painting!  A while back, I asked if he would consider painting a picture of her and when he agreed he made sure to keep it a surprise the whole time.

Well, we couldn’t be happier with the picture he chose and wasted no time hanging it in our living room.  Love that face.

Last night, among a bunch of different errands, I managed to find my way to the grocery store to stock up for this week.

Meal Plan

Monday: Flank Steak and Caprese Salad

Tuesday: Sweet Potato Hash with Friend Eggs

Wednesday: Turkey Wraps with Salad

Thursday:  Bourbon Glazed Chicken and Quinoa

Friday: Wing It

Saturday: Company Picnic/Leftovers

Sunday: Spaghetti Arrabiata

Into my shopping cart went:

  • Tomatoes (3)
  • Sweet Potatoes (2 medium)
  • Bell Pepper
  • Lettuce
  • Avocado
  • Thyme
  • Basil
  • Jalapenos (3)
  • Corn (2)
  • Peaches (2)
  • Chicken Breast (1 lb.)
  • Flank Steak (1 lb.)
  • Turkey Deli Meant (1/2 lb.)
  • Greek Yogurt (4 individual sized)
  • Fresh Mozzarella
  • Organic Eggs
  • Chicken Stock
  • Frozen Pizza
  • Hibiscus Lemonade
  • Chicken Noodle Soup (Boxed variety)
  • Frozen Fruit

Grand Total: $80.49 – Anything under $100 is a win in our household!  Meal planning is the best.

The rest of the evening was spent cooking this delicious summer meal.


Meat 2

Meat 3

(If you’ve never cooked flank steak before: Season your steak with a little olive oil, salt and pepper.  Set your grill to medium high and grill each side for 5 minutes for medium rare.  LET THE MEAT REST for 10 minutes before slicing up portions against the grain and voila!)

Playing ‘Heads Up’!  Note to self: Brian does not get song references.

And watching cute dog videos.

photo 2 (14)

It was an awesome night!

Watermelon Gin Fizz

14 Jul

Another great summer weekend has passed.

Friday after work, Brian and I headed over to our friend Pete’s house for dinner prepared by the lovely Diane. Pete recently moved into a new condo, so we were very eager to check the place out and spend the evening relaxing on his new outdoor patio. Upon arrival, we were greeted with the most delicious drinks… Watermelon Gin Fizz’s.

photo 1 (6)

These babies were dangerous! Perfectly refreshing on a warm summer night, but not too sweet where I would wake up the next morning with a hefty hangover.

The whole evening itself was wonderful. There where homemade cheese nips, grilled tequila lime shrimp, avocado and arugula salad, marinated flank steak, southwest quinoa and key lime pie!

photo 2 (5)

photo 3 (3)


We took our time nibbling our way through the courses and enjoying each other’s company. The next morning I decide that I MUST try and recreate the drink and turns out I was pretty successful in doing so!

Watermelon Gin Fizz



  • 1/2 seedless watermelon, cubed (about 4-5 cups)
  • 8 oz gin
  • 8 tbs. lime juice
  • 1 cup club soda. tonic or ginger ale
  • Lime wedges for garnish



1. Puree the cubed watermelon.


I was able to do so using my brand new Ninja Blender!  I have been loving this thing and will be posting more recipes while I experiment with it.

2. Pour juice in an ice filled serving glass and top with 1 1/2 ounces gin, 1 tablespoons lime juice and a splash of club soda, tonic or ginger ale

3. Garnish with a lime wedge and enjoy!

I’m telling you this is the drink of the summer.  When Diane served this to us, she was fancy and froze about a cup of cubed watermelon to serve as the ‘ice cubes’ instead of using real ice.  How clever!

Healthy Chicken Salad with Grilled Zucchini

8 Jul

Man do I have a delicious and nutritious recipe for you!  But first… let’s recap the day.

As I mentioned in my last post, I decided to take Monday off a while ago so that I could catch up on some much needed R & R after a crazy busy weekend.  While the day was awesome, I definitely kept busy!

A 4 mile run bright and early to ‘beat the heat’.

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photo 3 (8)

I was lucky because there were still a lot of clouds in the sky that provided much needed shade from the sun.

photo 4 (8)

A trip to Petco.

photo 1 (10)

Bailey was so exhausted after that walk, she immediately flopped on the hardwood floor to catch a breather.

And lastly, a grocery run at Trader Joe’s for this weeks meal plan:

Monday: Healthy chicken salad with grilled zucchini

Tuesday: Ground turkey tacos

Wednesday: Out for drinks/apps with a friend

Thursday: Grilled shrimp and salad

Friday: Dinner at Diane’s (Brian’s cousin)

Saturday: Picnic with the fam – brining fresh pico de gallo and a kale salad (Willie Nelson concert at Ravinia)

Sunday: Turkey brats with parmesan zucchini wedges

Which brings me to the awesome recipe I have to share:

Healthy Chicken Salad with Grilled Zucchini

Servings: 4


  • 1 lb shredded cooked chicken (I used the precooked chicken from TD’s to save on time)
  • 1/4 cup slivered almonds
  • 1 crisp apple, chopped
  • 1/2 cup red grapes, halved
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 3/4 cup Greek yogurt
  • Salt, pepper, dill, garlic powder to taste
  • 2 medium zucchini
  • Olive oil spray


Super easy, prepare yourself.


1. Prep your fruit and nuts


2. Shred the cooked chicken in a large glass bowl

3. Add the Greek yogurt, lemon juice, spices, and prepped fruits and nuts


4. Cover the bowl with aluminum foil or plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hr.

5. While the chicken salad is cooling… prep your indoor or outdoor grill with a little olive oil over medium high heat

6. Slice the zucchini in half horizontally (hot dog style)

7. Season the zucchini with salt and pepper to taste and add to the grill.


8. Grill both sides for 3-4 minutes each

9. Plate the grilled zucchini and add 1 heaping scoop of cold chicken salad on top



This is the perfect recipe for a hot summer day and is loaded with all sorts of good veggies, fruits and protein from the Greek Yogurt.

Cauliflower Pizza Crust Season

17 Jun

So as you know, yesterday was the USA world cup soccer game.  I so badly wanted to just grab a six-pack of Oberon, order Pizzeria Serio and call it a night, but those Tone It Up girls were eyeing my from the corner reminding me that it’s summer and that my Italian genes don’t take well to mass amounts of carbs and cheese.  So alas, I gave into my craving via the more ‘healthy’ way… a Cauliflower Pizza Crust version.

I found this recipe while perusing Eating Bird Food’s recipe index and decided to finally give it a try.  A while back, I made the sweet potato crust version and it turned out stupendously, so I was confident that this would be the same way.

Healthy Pizza with Cauliflower Crust

by: Eating Bird Food


  • 1/2 head of cauliflower (2 cups riced)
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • 1 teaspoon oregano


1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees

2. Prep a cookie sheet or pizza stone by grease it with oil.

3. Remove the stems and leaves from your cauliflower and grate the cauliflower with a cheese grater.  If you have a high-speed blender, this would work too.


4. Sauté cauliflower “rice” in a non-stick skillet over medium heat and cook until translucent, approximately 6-8 minutes. (You can use the microwave for this as well. Just place cauliflower in an uncovered microwave-safe bowl and cook for 8 minutes.)

5. In a bowl combine the cooked cauliflower with all remaining ingredients.

6. Spread dough out evenly over foil (or stone) – about ¼ to ⅓ of an inch thick. The pizza should be about 9-10 inches in diameter.


7. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the crust is golden, crispy on the edges and cooked through the middle.

8. Remove the crust from the oven.


9. Top with pizza sauce and toppings. Be careful not to add too many heavy toppings as you don’t want to weigh down the crust.

10. Broil the pizza for 5 minutes, or until the toppings are hot and the cheese is melted. Allow the pizza to cool for 2-3 minutes then cut and serve immediately.


When you are craving pizza, nothing really beats the real thing… let’s be honest, but this recipe was really easy to make and provided a healthier version of what I was about to consume.  My bikini hanging up in the bathroom thanked me.  The only comment I have about this recipe is that I probably would have kept the crust in a little longer… it’s didn’t crisp up the same way the Sweet Potato crust did, which made it a little hard to actually eat with your hands.  I’m from Chicago, so I don’t mind fork and knifing it, but you get what I mean.

Pizza. Win.


Ta Ta for now, folks!