Tag Archives: Sabres

And We’re Off! … sort of

18 Apr

You probably know by now… Chicago/the burbs was hit pretty hard by severe storms last night.  Our flight is supposed to leave MDW at 1:20 p.m. … we shall see what happens.

I’m all packed… sort of (shoes, bobby pins and swim suit are all set!).


I blame the fact that I had to drop off Bailey at my parents house last night and got side tracked by watching the Sabres vs. Bruins game 🙂  It was definitely an emotional game to say the least.  The national anthem was sung by the crowd and I was tearing up the entire time.

My parents had dinner ready for me upon my arrival which included homemade Barbera Family pasta sauce, whole wheat linguine, turkey meatballs, salad and squash.  YUM.  Bailey obviously was searching for any fallen items 🙂


Oh yes, and a glass of red wine in my very special ‘Lindsaybird’ glass.  That is a family nickname that my father started and is really only used between my intermediate family and close friends.


The Sabres came off with a win in the shootout, which I was happy about, but the hockey game really showcased the unity between the players and everyone in the stands.  Boston Strong was seen everywhere, which made me proud since I am a Bostonian at heart – born there!

After the conclusion of the game, the players – both Sabres and Bruins – saluted the fans which once again made me really emotional.  It’s amazing how the love for sports can bring people together.


Keep your fingers crossed that I don’t have to sit through any MAJOR delays, although I am expecting the worse.  I’m off to sunny North Carolina!  Until next time, friends.

Life of a Suburbanite

3 Apr

Good Morning!

I write to you this morning from the luxurious Union Pacific Northwest Metra train… 🙂

Last night I got to live my life as every good suburbanite does.  Dentist appointment after work – no cavities – walked half a mile home because I did not have a car – no CTA buses.  I arrived at my parents house where my father already had dinner cooking on the stove anticipating my arrival.  The Buffalo Sabres game (huge fans) was blaring in the background and score was a couple of goose eggs.  The Sabres were up against the Pittsburgh Penguins, so needless to say we were all a little anxious.  My special engraved ‘Lindsaybird’ wine glass was waiting for me on the kitchen counter to be filled with a crisp aromatic chardonnay.  Life was just peachy.

On the menu? Turkey sausage with whole wheat buns and spicy mustard (I am a Chicagoan after all – no ketchup allowed).  The delicious sausage was accompanied with corn on the cob, a vinegar based – no mayo coleslaw and homemade onion soup with croutons.  All for mwah?

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We ate our delicious meal while watching the game with one of my fathers buddies – the wives were busy at a local book club meeting.  It all felt very familiar and I became a bit nostalgic as the home-cooked hockey-watching nights used to be a regular activity when I was still living at home.

As our wine glasses kept filling up, the Sabres kept scoring!  And wouldn’t you know it… they were able to come off with a win against the #1 team in the NHL!

Throwback Wednesday?


My father, at this moment, could be heard blocks away as screaming and cheering filled the living room.  The win was quite refreshing since I have to listen to Blackhawks fans gloat about winning all the time.  It’s been a rough season for Buffalo… but I may just be bitter 🙂

The evening ended and I headed up to bed.  Twas a great night in the burbs!

This morning I awoke at 5:00 a.m. as any commuter does when trying to catch the 6:38 a.m. express train into the city.  Large groups of men and women in black trench coats and dress suits gathered by the tracks at the exact location the trains doors would stop.  I filed into my little huddle area like a heard of cattle anticipating the opening of the doors and hoping to get lucky and nab a window seat.

There is an art to commuting from the suburbs – which huddle to choose – where to position yourself in the huddle – how aggressive you need to be to weave into the tight squeezing of the door – just to get a seat.

Alas! I was able to nab a window seat and immediately pulled out my one-way ticket for the conductor to stamp – causing many glares from surrounding commuters who knew I was no regular Metra rider.

Now that I am all settled and relaxed I can write this post while being softly lulled by the sound of the engines.  My short-lived life of suburbanite has ended.  I’m back in my city – time for work!

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