Tag Archives: Trader Joe’s

Things I’m Loving… Huevos Rancheros Edition

4 Mar

In honor of Fat Tuesday, I’m sharing one of my favorite delicioso recipes.

It’s no secret that I like to eat… and cook, but sometimes I find myself getting into a ‘cooking rut’.  I buy things at Trader Joe’s in which I know I can make meals out of, which sometimes causes little variety.  This is especially true for breakfast.  In my weekly grocery haul I pick up the basics: bananas, eggs, turkey bacon and bread.  Which leaves me some room to make pancakes, eggs, eggs, eggs and toast… you get the picture 😉  A couple weekends ago, I vowed to try and make something different and was really craving Tex-Mex.  I’ve had Huevos Rancheros many times at some of my favorite brunch spots, but have never tried to recreate it.


I have know damn idea.

Lots of people make this dish many different ways, and this is in no way authentic, but it hits the spot for me and I am loving it lately.


Let me start by saying… I do not use exact measurements with this dish because some days I want one and some days I want two and some days I use whatever is in the fridge, but here is my usual serving for one:



  • 1 6″ Corn Tortilla
  • 1 Tbs. Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese (maybe more – I like it cheesy)
  • 1 Fresh Egg
  • 2 Tbs. Black Beans (or refried beans, whatever your vice is)
  • 1 Tbs. Salsa or Pico
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Garnishes: Sliced Jalapeno, Hot Sauce, Scallions, Avocado… whatever your heart desires!
  1. Start by lightly spraying a sauté pan with olive oil and heat the corn tortilla
  2. When the tortilla is golden, flip and heat on the other side
  3. While the tortilla is finishing up, lightly oil a second non-stick skillet and crack your egg in it
  4. Cook the egg how you prefer – I tend to like over easy or over medium – the broken yolk is the best part! Sprinkle with salt and pepper
  5. Sprinkle the Cheddar Cheese on top of the tortilla and let it melt slightly
  6. Add the beans on top of the cheese
  7. Top the beans with the cooked egg and transfer to a plate
  8. Top your Rancheros with desired garnishments
  9. EAT UP!


Again, this recipe is not rocket science, and I am no Tex-Mex expert, but boyyyyyyyy has this been a delicious addition to my weekend.

Enjoy, friends!

Winter Workout Motivation

13 Nov

Man I love snow!

I am so sad that our brief dusting on Tuesday did not last longer.  When it snows, my Facebook news feed lights up with people loving on the white stuff or hating it.  To each their own I say, but man oh man do I love it.  I think as an adult who has a passion for winter sports (ie: skiing and snowboarding) how could you hate it?  It’s like an adult playground.  I do not enjoy the cold the February, early March windy, in your face freezing cold.  Brrr.


Tuesday after work, I enjoyed taking a walk to the grocery store to take in the beautiful flakes.  I was able to stock up on yummy items for the week including a new bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon that was an absolute must have 🙂


Meals for the week:

Monday – Leftovers

Tuesday – Chicken “Burrito” Quinoa Bowls

Wednesday – Skirt Steak and Veggies

Thursday – Chicken Bites and Salad

Friday – Out to Eat

Saturday – Homemade Pizza

How is everyone doing on their workout schedule this fall/winter?  I know the cold convinces a lot of people to stay in rather than get out, but remember that working out is not only good for the heart, but good for the mind too.  I find that I am a little crabbier in the winter due to lack of sunshine, but I feel and SLEEP so much better when a workout is involved.  I am happy to say that I have hooked my parents on to the Nike Training Club App!  It’s so easy for them to squeeze in workouts from home now and they can do them together!  Here are some other ways I stay motivated during the winter:

Dessert:  Pumpkin Pie, Sugar Cookies, Chocolate Truffles, Decadent Cakes… I’m not one to turn down holiday goodies but I also don’t want my pants to shrink 🙂  I run for pie.

Revisit your goals: Winter is not just a new season, it’s a great time to plan out what you want to accomplish the next few months.  Maybe preparation for Race season?

Take up a winter sport:  This is a lot more fun when you have friends will to play with you.  For the past two years, a group of my work buddies and I travel to some “resort” in Wisconsin and spend a weekend skiing and snowboarding.  It is so much fun and an excellent workout!

Dress the part:  What better gift to wish for for the Holidays than cute workout gear?  Strut your stuff around the gym and meet new people!  I met one of my gym buddies just by randomly asking her to show me how to use the rowing machine!

Try a new class at your local gym: Whether it’s yoga, pilates, boot camp or body pump, these classes will help you stay engaged and keep you on a good schedule throughout the winter.

Yesterday, I ran 4 miles on the treadmill which surprisingly went by very fast (probably because Castle was on t.v.) and then headed to the mat area to complete a 15 minute Ab workout.

photo (13)

Halfway through my workout, I noticed a man who was almost mimicking the moves I was doing and saw that he too was using the app!  Seriously, download it now.

When I got home, Brian was already grilling up the chicken for our “Burrito Bowls”.  I put that in quotations because instead of using rice in our bowls we use quinoa!  More protein!  I topped my bowl with lettuce, chicken, grilled peppers and guacamole.


It hit the spot.  I had a tiny sweet tooth after I finished my meal so I ended my night with a Trader Joe’s Mango Greek Yogurt topped with dark chocolate chips.

I was a happy happy girl 🙂

Soccer for the Win

16 Oct

Good Morning!  Good Morning!

Things have been busy busy busy in my corner.  It’s Open Enrollment season, which means us HR folks have a lot to work on.  We also hosted our first of two flu shot clinics yesterday from 8 am – 11 am and you bet I got my shot!  There is not benefit to not getting a shot silly, plus I feel like commuting on the CTA everyday is a good enough reason to get one!  All those people coughing around me… nasty!

To relieve some of this pent up work stress, I played soccer not one – but two days in a row!  Remember my Love Affair with Soccer post?  Yup, it still lives strong.

After work yesterday, I had all kinds of plans to go to the gym and then pick up groceries at Trader Joe’s on my way home.  While I was sitting on the CTA I realized I just really was not feelin’ a treadmill workout and switched games mentally.  That is when I got a text from a good friend asking if I would sub in their Tuesday night soccer league.  That was EXACTLY what I was in the mood for.  I had just enough time to stop by Trader Joe’s and pick up some essentials.

I am leaving for Buffalo, New York tomorrow afternoon to spend time with my FarMor (Swedish for Grandmother), so I needed to make sure Brian was left with some goodies while I was gone.  The man HATES grocery shopping and I LOVE it, so it all works out!  Plus, I get to pick up new tasty items such as…


Pita Crisps with Cranberries and Pumpkin Seeds.  Oh my oh my these things are so addictive.  I just want to slather them all with delicious creamy brie and pop them in my mouth one after another… yum.

Once I was done shopping, I quickly headed home to change from this:


To This:


A quick dinner break was included some where in there which consisted of a quick and simple dish – jalapeno chicken sausage, quinoa and avocado.

It was actually a beautiful night to play soccer.  Mid 60’s with a slight breeze.


The game was a lot of fun and we ended up WINNING, which was a great end to my evening.

Until tomorrow, friends!

Meal Planning Tuesday

2 Oct

Good Morning! Good Morning!  Happy Hump Day!

It is SO nice and warm out still, I love it!  Also, it’s pay day – so I’m in a happy happy mood (although I do have to pay off my credit card later today) but for now… 🙂

Yesterday after work was just as warm as it is today, so I went home… laced up my shoes and headed out the door!  I had a specific route in mind when starting my run, because I wanted to end close to Trader Joe’s so that I could pick up my groceries for the week.  In all honesty, I’ve been running this route a lot lately – It’s my new favorite.

photo (8)

There were a lot of people out running and biking last night and I even ran into a few friends from college.

Before I knew it, I had completed a steady 4 mile run and was steps away from TD’s.  Success.

I seriously love the fact that I am still running in short and a tank top and get super super sweaty – no humidity!


While on my run, I mentally planned out my meals for the rest of the week so I could be prepared when I got to TD’s:

Tuesday – Turkey, Spinach & Sweet Potato Hash

Wednesday – Roasted Chicken with Fennel & Butternut Squash

Thursday – Lou Malnatis for a friend’s birthday

Friday – Panko Crusted Chicken Tenders and Salad

Saturday – TBLTS (Turkey Bacon Lettuce & Tomato)

Sunday – Run 10 Feed 10 – 10k – Out to Brunch/Wing It

Knowing what I needed going into the store, meant that I was out of the store in a record 15 minutes – including waiting in the line.


I had forgot to bring my CTA card with me on my run, which meant that I couldn’t take the bus back to my apartment.  This was only a slight concern as my bags were kind of heavy since I crammed everything into two.  It’s about a 0.7 mile walk to my apartment so, needless to say, my triceps were burning once I got home.  I guess I got a little strength training in after all?! 🙂

For dinner, I tried out Tina who blogs over at Carrots N’ Cake recipe for Sweet Potato Hash, but modified it ever so slightly.


The dish turned out really well, we will definitely be adding this to our list, however, I think next time I will add fresh garlic and red pepper flakes to spice it up a tad bit more!

So, I’ve been catching up on all my current events in the evenings because I’m too sleepy in the mornings and holy cow!  There have been all these runners who have been attacked in the morning in my hometown – Arlington Heights (you were expecting me to say “holy cow – the shutdown!” or something about “Obamacare” – tricked yah!).  It gives me the chills reading about these runners, because I don’t like thinking about the fact that I am unsafe at any point in my decompressing run.  Plus, Arlington Heights is usually such a low-key suburb – jeez.

Stay safe out there my early morning runners!

Running on a Cold

4 Sep

And just like that – it’s Wednesday!

I hope you all had a fabulous time celebrating Labor Day.  Brian and I woke up Monday morning a little errrr hungover…  but ready to party.  We had mimosas chilling in the fridge so we took our time to lounge/sleep in and then headed over to a friends BBQ around 2:00 p.m.

As you can see… my chip to vegetable ratio at the party was pretty even 😉


Chips and salsa are my weakness.

For whatever reason… okay, the reason being that I partied a little too hard after being sick… my cold came back.  This time, however, no itchy throat – just lots and lots of congestion.  The good news is that even though I am the most annoying person to sit by on the CTA (tissues galore), I feel great!  My appetite is not suppressed whatsoever, in fact I am craving good health food to help kick this out of my system.  I’ve mentioned before in this blog that my company gets fresh fruit delivered to the office twice a week which is an awesome perk.

Along with the normal selection of apples, oranges, peaches and plums, we always receive so type of “new” fruit.  Yesterday we got these babies:


What are they?  Apparently they are ‘ground cherries’.  Once you pull back the scary paper-like skin, the fruit resembles a tiny cherry tomato.  These little nuggets taste very sweet, it was a total mystery when I bit into them!

After work, I headed straight home and sat on the couch for a bit.  I could tell that Bailey was a little antsy and so was I despite the constant sneezing, so I decided to take her out for a jog.


I feel like there is this preconceived notion that you should not run or workout when you are ‘sick’, but I do not feel that a cold is really that bad.  Yes, I can’t really breathe through my nose – but I am very capable of breathing through my mouth.  After I workout on a cold, I don’t feel any more tired than I would if I was 100% healthy.  I truly believe it is all in people’s heads that they cannot go for a run with a cold.  The laziness in people takes hold of them and they are chained to that couch!

I wouldn’t feel the same way if I had a fever with body aches and the chills – that is a different story.  But the whole notion brings up an interesting topic… is there any scientific proof that says ones body will be effected if they run on a cold?  Does it make you feel better or worse?  Food for thought.

Anyways, the weather outside was gorgeous – low 70’s, bright and sunny.

We did a slow and steady 3 mile jog around the North Pond area and I felt fine!  Bailey was so excited to be out with me – she makes the craziest faces when she sees birds and squirrels I wish I could capture them on camera.




Brian met us at the end of our run so that we could head over to Trader Joe’s to stock up on groceries for the week.  I finished shopping in a record 8 minutes (love my lists), but it literally… no exaggeration… took 20 minutes or more to checkout.  People – you need to help bag your groceries!  It takes up half the amount of time and the cashiers really appreciate it!  Especially when the store is chaotic.  Common sense… idk.

Once we got back home, we immediately cooked dinner which consisted of my Lemon Chicken and Broccoli recipe with a side of quinoa and sliced tomatoes.



Bon Appetit, my friends!

Overindulgence: What I Ate

27 Aug

Good Morning!!!!

I apologize I have been blog slacking the past few days… so many things were happening and I was not always by a computer.

Okay, okay… confession:  I had a super indulgent weekend.

It all started Thursday, when my HR department decided to go out to dinner at Frontier in Noble Square for a PIG ROAST.



This pig was delicious.  And made really good ‘pork tacos’.


The weekend also consisted of wine….


Lots of wine.

And delicious carbs.


Oh how I love thee.

The good thing was that last week I started a training plan for a 10k I have coming up, so my workouts were still spot on.  However, I’m not sure they outweighed what was going into my mouth.  This left me feeling really bloated and gross come Sunday morning.  I needed to get back on track…

Yesterday I started the morning with a delicious bowl of protein oats from Protein Bar.  The oats I selected were called ‘Pancake in a Bowl’ and consisted of steel cut oats, vanilla protein, almond milk, agave nectar, a spice blend and warm gooey banana slices.


This baby was extremely filling – It kept my hunger at bay all the way up to lunch when I had a fresh and crisp salad.


BOA salad bar for the win.

After work I headed straight to the gym and ran 3 miles on the treadmill.  The gym was pretty dead which surprised me considering the 90 degree humid weather outside.  My run was followed by this circuit:


Which really made me feel great knowing I was burning off some of that food from the weekend.

I met Brian at Trader Joe’s after the gym where we stocked up on a boat load of fresh produce and protein for the week.  Thankfully, we only have one dinner planned so we won’t get as out of control as last week.

For dinner, I grilled some salmon and cooked up some fresh sweet summer corn.


Overall, I give myself a B+ for the days worth of eats and getting back on track.

Did you have a healthy and active weekend?

Humid Runs

13 Aug

Yesterday, I grabbed my usual Monday morning coffee from Starbucks and noticed an announcement on their board and flyers on their counter.

“A delicious change is coming,” read the headline.


After I sipped on my coffee and browsed the brochure, which is basically just photographs of the new items, I did some online research.  Unbeknownst to me, Starbucks recently acquired a small bakery chain in San Francisco that will be producing the baked goods for Starbucks stores.  Some of their soon-to-be items look really delicious such as a tomato & cheese croissant and chewy chocolate meringue cookies.  I do, however, wonder how devoted Starbucks baked goods fans feel.  Especially when it comes to the beloved Lemon loaf that might change a bit.  Personally, if I want I baked good I almost always go for the croissants or bagels, I’m not a sweet baked good kind of person.

Anyways, after looking a La Boulange Bakery’s website I was soon craving a delicious chocolate croissant that I would pick up outside of my school in Paris, France.  Take me back now.

After work, I headed home and was surprised with a very quick and sudden rain shower.  I didn’t mind walking in the rain, but people around me acted like they were going to melt if one drop touched their skin.  Silly people.

Once I was home, I changed clothes and went for a quick 3 mile run around the neighborhood.  The sudden rain shower left a little humidity in the air, so needless to say I was very sweaty by the end of the run.


Brian and I were fresh out of groceries, so we headed over to Trader Joe’s to pick up the weeks haul immediately after I was done.  We took Bailey with us, obviously, who met one of the smallest dogs I have ever seen on the sidewalk.  It seriously looked like Bailey could have crushed her with one paw, but the other dog had a bit of a “small dog complex” and scared Bailey away.  I’m telling you, pitbulls get the worst rep.  My dog is a serious wuss.

We got some seriously great items at the grocery store this week, including some picnic items that we will bring with us to our Ravinia concert on Saturday.  I am excited to give Tina from Carrots n’ Cake ‘Skinny Pina Colada’ recipe a try.


  • 2 oz Barcardi Rock Coconut Rum
  • 5 oz coconut water
  • 2 oz pineapple juice


  1. Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Shake and strain into a glass filled with ice.
  3. Garnish with a slice of pineapple and/or a Maraschino cherry (optional).
  4. Drink and enjoy!

Makes 1 cocktail

I think this will be perfect to sip on at the concert, while munching on some delicious chips and salsa!  Arriba!


Once everything was all unpacked and put away, I whipped up a quick dinner that consisted of sauteed jalapeno chicken sausage, roasted butternut squash and a side salad.  The butternut squash was super easy to put together, I just preheated the oven to 400 degrees – tossed the squash in a little olive oil, salt and black pepper and let the little guys roast away for 25 minutes.  Delicious.


The rest of the evening was spent stretching and relaxing by the couch, watching our new favorite series – “Orange is the new Black.”

Bon Appetit, my friends!

Run 10 Feed 10

25 Jul

Rise and Shine!

In my last post I talked about how I’ve been trying to figure out what my newest fitness goal will be now that I’ve completed a half-marathon.  I’ve been doing a lot of research and have made some progress.  I looked up my old yoga Studio Pure Wellness and discovered they have added a lot of new classes since I’ve left!  I went ahead and signed up for a couple of the vinyasa classes to try out the new instructors, but a couple other sessions caught my eye:


Come experience Yoga & cross training for Runners. Get stretched, keep strong, and work out all those kinks that happen after hours of pounding the pavement. Perfect for those in need of cross-training or fighting injuries.


A special class designed for the Pure athlete or the weekend warrior who wants to work hard. Classes will include circuit training, Tabata intervals, Crossfit concepts and more. Look forward to a well-rounded workout meant to compliment your running/ triathlon/ marathon/ sports regime or just for the average desk jockey who wants to feel the burn!


It’s Friday night. You want to be social but you had a long week. You want to work out but you also want a glass of wine. Let’s do both… come for a PureFusion class and have light refreshments afterwards. Meet your mat neighbor, get to know your teacher, and get the best of both worlds: a Friday night with a workout and a happy hour, all while in comfy yoga clothes.

I definitely will be signing up for each of these classes over the next couple of weeks and give them a try.  They sound really interesting and engaging!

I also have come across some really neat races in the midst of my research including the race sponsored by Women’s Health called Run 10 Feed 10.


If you run a 10k with Women’s Health you will provide 10 meals to those going hungry in your local community.  How cool is that?!  To make a direct impact on your local community just by running 6.2 miles?  Sign me up!

The Chicago race is Sunday, October 6th in Lincoln Park, but they also have races set up in New York City and San Francisco.

You should check it out and join me!

Anywayssss – yesterday was a busy busy day at work.  Lots of fun project and activities going on including a free breakfast that was catered by Jamba Juice!  I mentioned in June that my company hosted a pedometer walking competition and my team ended up winning!  Our prize was a kCura sponsored breakfast to give us the healthy boost we need in the morning!  There were small smoothies in all different flavors and an assortment of their breakfast wraps.  I chose the mango smoothie and paired it with their spinach and egg whole wheat wrap – it was so good!


After work, I went home real quick to changes clothes and then went on my first run since Sunday.  The weather was perfect!  My legs felt really good, I felt a little tight in my quads for the first mile and then after that it was smooth sailing.

I ran through the Lincoln Park neighborhood past the zoo and all the way down to the Gold Coast area.  Once I hit that I circled back up and completed my 4 miles.  My brand spankin’ new Garmin watch gave me my splits:

Mile 1:  8:35 pace

Mile 2:  8:41 pace

Mile 3:  8:48 pace

Mile 4:  8:40 pace

It felt really good to be able to run shorter mileage at my 8k and 10k pace!  I’m really looking forward to the Zooma 10k in August.

When I got home, I laid out my yoga mat and did about 15 minutes of stretching until this little stinker decided it was time to play.



Love her.

On the menu for dinner was grilled chicken with pesto, tomatoes, mozzarella and a side of sauteed zucchini.


This was super easy to make.  Brian butterflied a couple chicken breasts and threw them on our indoor grill.  When there was about 2 minutes left to cook, I spread a thin layer of Trader Joe’s premade pesto on top, two juicy slices of tomato and a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese.  I covered them with a lid until the cheese was nice a melty.


The zucchini was just sauteed with a little olive oil and sea salt.  Delicious!

Hope you all are having a fabulous week – get out an enjoy this great weather!

I’m Only Half Crazy!

16 Jul

Good Morning!

These past two days have flown by… Which I hate because it means summer is passing by way too quickly.

Sunday was one of the most relaxing days I’ve had all summer.  Brian and I were able to sleep in after our night out and enjoy some breakfast before heading out the door to pick up my mother at the airport.  Since we were already on our way out to the burbs, we decided to make a day of it and relax by the pool.

By the time we got to my parents, we were STARVING so we headed over to the grocery store to pick up some lunch fixings.  Brian spotted pretzel rolls as soon as we entered the deli and decided that we were having sandwiches!


On my sandwich went some turkey breast, tomatoes, lettuce, spicy brown mustard and some avocado.

Delish.  My sister (who turns 21 on Thursday) asked us to pick up some angry orchard cider, so I went ahead and had one with lunch.  I don’t really care for then too much… I’d much rather sip on a lemonade or sangria if I want something sweet.

The entire day was spent outside by the pool…


And for Bailey it was spent in the shade…


Having a pool is one thing I miss most about living with my parents.  I remember having soccer and tennis camp early in the morning during the summer and I would literally come home and jump straight in to the pool with my clothes on and all.  I feel like when I was growing up summer was much much hotter than it is now… But maybe I was just more of a wuss 😉

Yesterday was a tough day in part because I had so much to catch up on with work and also because it extremley humid.  I feel bad leaving Bailey at home because our vintage apartment doesn’t have central air… But we leave tons of fans on and water bowls so she is just peachy.

After work I had to run a few errands all over the neighborhood, which meant I ended up walking close to 6 miles!  I always forget how good of a workout just walking can be, especially when it’s hot out.  My final stop was a Trader Joe’s to pick up the stock for the week and create this lovely dinner:


Spicy Lime Shrimp with a Quinoa Salad.  I marinated the shrimp in a little lime juice, olive oil, smoked paprika, cumin and garlic for about 45 minutes before cooking them up.  In the quinoa salad went some chickpeas, tomatoes, avocado, leftover lime juice and feta cheese.

After we ate I did a bunch of research online about rituals people do the week leading up to a big race.  It’s amazing to see how many different routines there are, especially with what people eat/drink:

Peanut Butter Toast and Bananas


Ego Waffles

Iced Coffee

Peanut Butter and Jelly



Eggs and Jelly on Toast (say whhaaatttt)

Reading all the running blogs/articles got me really amped up for my morning run.


4 miles was on the training plan and that’s the highest I will go before the race on Sunday! I seriously can’t believe the race is this weekend… I am nervous and so excited at the same time which gave me a lot to work out on my morning run.


My days always start out great with gorgeous views like this…


Catcha later!

Running Motivation

9 Jul

Hello Hello!

We are officially 12 days away from the Half-Marathon. Ahhhhh.  I stumbled across an article yesterday that detailed  what runners should be doing/thinking leading up tho their big event.

I found it extremely interesting especially because it emphasizes how much of a mental game it is.  I’ve been searching the web (mainly pinterest) for motivational pictures, words and saying and plan on printing them all out and hanging them somewhere to get me pumped up for the race.  Here are some of my favorites:


The article can be found here, and is a seriously good read for any of you who have a little time off on your lunch break.

Yesterday I perused through the pages while eating this delicious bad boy…


That’s right, I hit up the BOA salad bar because there were absolutely no groceries left in our fridge.  This salad contained mixed greens, shredded carrots, radishes, egg, tomatoes, artichoke hearts, bell peppers, a little tabbouleh, roasted beets and a sprinkle of blue cheese.  All topped with a simple oil and vinegar dressing. SO good.

After work I had a few errands to run.  First up, taking Bailey to the vet to get her yearly shots 😦 We went to a new Vet Clinic that is super close to us called McKillip Animal Hospital and were thrilled with how friendly they were to us and especially how well they took care of Bailey! Bailey did such a good job, she’s always scared of getting weighed just like all the other dogs in the room.  Why is that? She has put on a whopping 8 lbs since we rescued her from PAWS which is awesome because she was way too skinny.

McKillip is a walk-in clinic, so no appointment was necessary but we were in and out of there in 20 minutes. It was awesome! Bailey was thrilled it didn’t take long either…


“Get me outta here!” 🙂

After the vet, Brian and I parted ways and I went to Trader Joe’s to stock up for the week.  Trader Joes is always crazy busy on Mondays… And they were out of lemons! My favorite!

I got a bunch of other great goodies though, including what I had planned for dinner! Fresh wild caught salmon and vegetable kabobs.

I threw together a quick marinade that consisted of balsamic vinegar, Dijon mustard, honey, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes.


My parents got me an indoor grill top for my birthday so it was a perfect reason to bust that out!


Everything was so fresh and delicious which as you know is my favorite kind of meal 🙂


Brian and I have been talking a lot about signing up for a race to do together.  One that he is interested in is the Spartan Race up in Milwaukee which looks really awesome.  I did some research on it last night and found that registration is like $120! Even with the discount codes I stumbled across.  The race in Milwaukee is considered a “sprint” obstacle meaning the course is only just over 3 miles.  I feel like for that distance… is it worth the money?  Thoughts?  Have you ever ran an obstacle race?  How much did it cost?