Tag Archives: Travel

White Water Rafting the Lower New

4 Sep

On to part 2 of my West Virginia adventure!

Sunday was a rainy day, so we decided to spend a lot of time driving around town visiting relatives and seeing some of the more ‘historical’ parts of the area.  We drove up to the exhibition coal mine in Beckley, but just missed a tour that had started 20 minutes before we arrived.  It was interesting to look at the buildings that were preserved around the mine compound.  There was a school, several preserved houses, a church and an outhouse or two 🙂  It was a good representation of early 20th century coal camp life.  Something my aunt and uncle told me that I found rather interesting was that single men and men who were married had completely different houses.  Married men had houses that featured 2 or 3 bedrooms with 1 bathroom, while unmarried men basically lived in a glorified closet.  Guess it paid off to be married back then!

For lunch, we stopped at one of my favorite places to eat in Fayetteville, Cathedral Cafe.  The cafe is actually inside an old cathedral and has some of the original decor and stained glass still inside.

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It’s cute and quaint and a lot of the produce and meat is local and sustainable.  I wasn’t too hungry when we got there so I opted to order a side salad and some of their homemade hummus with pita.  Both were delicious!


We took it easy Sunday evening because we had to be up bright and early Monday for our rafting trip!

Our trip kicked off around 10:00 a.m.and we were greeted by the river with a gorgeous view.

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The New River Gorge is a popular trip in West Virginia that is divided up into two sections – the Upper New and the Lower New.  The Upper New is good for families and people who may be a little too timid to go down big rapids, while the Lower New River is the real white water rafting with class IV-V rapids.

We opted for the Lower New, of course 🙂

Brian and I were in an 8 person raft, not including our awesome guide Andy McFly, and everyone who was with us seemed to be around our age, relatively young and athletic.  This is always a good sign because if you have good people in your raft, your guide is more likely to take you down the ‘fun’ routes on the rapids.

The trip was awesome.  We got wet… we got wild… and had an amazing time.


About halfway down the Lower we pit stopped for lunch on a beach off the river and ate some deli sandwiches, fruit, chips and such.  You don’t realize how much of your body you are using when going down the rapids, so once we stopped I realized just HOW HUNGRY I was.

There were sections on the river where our guides let us do really fun stuff.  We got to purposely jump out of the raft along and swim in the currents.  There were a couple class II rapids that they let us go down with our own bodies (instead of in the rafts).  That was a blast, although I did get a fare share of water up my nose!  We stopped on the sides to jump off large rocks into the water and even got to go “surfing”, which is basically turning your raft around into the current and finding that sweet spot pocket of air that allows the raft to feel like it’s surfing.  Pretty difficult to explain if you’ve never experienced it so here is a video I found that could best show what I’m talking about!

So. Much. Fun!

The trip took up all day and when we got back to the buses around 5:00 p.m., they had cold beer waiting for us.  Bud Light never tasted so good!

Overall, Brian and I had an absolutely amazing weekend visiting with family and going on all kinds of adventures.  I would highly recommend visiting southern West Virginia to experience some of these activities yourself!

Pirate Nation Weekend

14 May

As many of you know, this past weekend I visited my little sister in Greenville, North Carolina to attend her college graduation at East Carolina University.  It was an awesome, busy weekend that was full of lots and lots of activity.

My Mom, Dad, Brian and myself flew out of Chicago Thursday afternoon, with absolutely no issues I might add, and immediately drove to a town in North Carolina called Wilson.  Wilson is about a 30-40 minute drive from Greenville, but all of the hotels close the stadium were completely booked just for Thursday night.  By the time we rolled into this small town it was almost 8:30 p.m. and we were STARVING.  We grabbed some food at a nearby cafe and then headed straight to the hotel to relax and meet with my Aunt and Uncle.

Menu’s in North Carolina are so different than menu’s in Chicago – which isn’t a bad thing!  I regretfully never ordered shrimp and grits while I was there, which I don’t know why I would do such a stupid thing… Nor did I get fried chicken and biscuits.  The good thing is that my sister, Kristan, will be living down in Charlotte so there will be plenty more opportunities to try these southern staples!

The big graduation ceremony, the one with the entire graduating class of 2014, was at 9:00 a.m. on Friday morning outside in their football stadium.  This meant that we had to leave Wilson MIGHTY early to get there on time and be able to get good seats.

The setting for this first graduation ceremony was gorgeous.


I graduated from Illinois State University and our ceremony was held  in our basketball stadium.  It was cool, but not as pretty as this.

The ceremony only lasted an hour and a half because if it went on any longer it would have been 90 degrees.

My baby sister was officially a college grad.

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The rest of that day was spent relaxing and EATING of course.  We had McAllister’s Deli catered and their lemonade was the best I have ever had.

One thing I love about apartment complexes in the south is that they all have pools (something us Illinoisans are not too familiar with).  I jumped at the opportunity to get in some vitamin D and enjoy some crisp mimosas.

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The first night we were there, everyone met at this adorable restaurant in downtown Greenville for dinner called Star Light Cafe.  The interior was very rustic, yet modern – kinda looked like something you would find in Chicago to be quite honest.  There were so many delicious choices, but I was really craving fish so I ordered the pan seared Trout with quinoa salad.

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This dish was spectacular.  The trout was perfectly seared with crispy skin, yet a silky flaky interior and the quinoa salad was light and bright with a citrus vinaigrette.

After dinner, we did what all college students do – we hit the town!  I forgot how awesome it is to party in a college town – everything is SO CHEAP.  Literally, a gin and tonic was $3.

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Something I also love about the south is that everyone brings their own koozies to the bar so that their hands don’t get wet from the beer.

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Too clever.

Saturday almost mimicked our Friday exactly.

Graduation Ceremony (inside this time)

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Relaxation with food – Wings!

Dinner – at Bonefish Grill this time.

Party, Party, Party.

ahhh the life of a college student.

The weekend capped off with a Mother’s Day picnic in honor of my Mom and my Aunt.  There was a perfect, shaded picnic area right down the street from Kristan’s apartment where we enjoyed bagels and lox, fresh fruit, pasta salad, tuna salad, hummus and pita.

It was a perfect way to end the weekend – OH WAIT.

After the picnic, my family and I headed back out to Raleigh to make our 5:30 p.m. and flight back to Chicago.  We boarded the plane per usual, were next in line for take off, when all of a sudden our plan turned and was put in what I call the “time out corner.”

Chicago was having really bad storms, so our plane was grounded until we had clearance from O’Hare.  Two hours later… we were still grounded and finally made our way back to the gate.  We de-boarded the plane and was informed that our new take off time would be 9:30 p.m.  As we patiently waited, I noticed that all of the flight crew was departing and realized quickly that this was a bad sign.  Our flight crew basically timed out, meaning, they had been flying too many hours and could not, by law, fly us home that evening.  Blah.

If you ever have had a cancelled flight, you know what comes next.  Waiting in a ridiculously long line to get rebooked, given a hotel voucher and then getting shipped to an airport hotel like a heard of cattle.

Luckily, when we got to the said hotel, the bar was still open 🙂

Although the weekend did not end as I had hoped, it was still an awesome one nonetheless.

Spicy Tex-Mex Soup

7 May

Hey, friends!

It’s going to be over 70 degrees here in Chicago today!  Can you believe it?  I’m just as sick about everyone talking about the weather as the next person is, but I have to say that we NEED this sunshine.

The past two days have been busy busy busy in preparation for my trip tomorrow.  Brian, my family and I are flying to North Carolina Thursday afternoon for my little sisters college graduation.  Crazy.  We are almost exactly four years apart and her graduation means that I have officially been out of college for four whole years.  I cannot believe she is a real-world adult now!  I swear she was four years old just the other day…

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Side note: I’ve been rockin’ the fish face since I was four.

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Since this week has been so hectic, I tried to plan meals that would be quick and easy to make.  Since Monday was Cinco de Mayo, I wanted to be able to whip up something quick, healthy and delicious.  After doing some research online and getting some great ideas, I came up with this awesome soup:


Spicy Tex-Mex Soup

Serves: 4


  • 1 tbs. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 red bell pepper, diced
  • 1 white onion, diced
  • 1 jalapeno, diced and seeded (keep some seeds if you like lots of spice!)
  • 1 lb. shredded cooked chicken breast
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 1/2 cup frozen corn
  • 1 can black beans, drained and rinsed (14.5 oz)
  • 1 can fire roasted tomatoes (14.5 oz)
  • 1 small can green chilies (4 oz)
  • 2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 tsp. ground cumin
  • 4 cups low sodium chicken broth
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Lime
  • Avocado
  • Cilantro
  • Queso Fresco


  1. Heat a large soup pot over medium high heat, add olive, onion, bell pepper and jalapeno and saute for 4 minutes
  2. Add garlic, cumin, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes.  Saute until fragrant.
  3. Add corn, black beans and chicken.  Saute for 2 minutes
  4. Add Chicken broth, roasted tomatoes and green chilies.  Bring to a boil
  5. Simmer for 20 minutes, serve and enjoy!


I topped mine with some fresh lime juice and avocado and it was superb!

Another easy meal for the week was just some good ol’ grilled burgers.  With the weather changing I am craving all kinds of BBQ.


I topped my organic beef patty with some mustard, ketchup, lettuce, tomato and sliced pepperoncini peppers.

Delish! I’m so pumped for summer produce, I can barely control my excitement.

Bon appetit, my friends!

Hilton Head Recap: Activities

31 Mar

Good morning, friends!

I’m back in Chicago from my week long vacation at Hilton Head Island.  It was an absolutely amazing trip and I can’t wait to share my recaps with you – Activities & Food.

There are different types of vacationers… those who like to take tours and have their days planned out for them hour-by-hour, those who just like to relax and see where the day takes them and those who are a mixture of both.  I tend to be the kind that takes the day as it comes, but one thing I do like to plan out are my weekly workouts/activities.  For me, vacation is not an excuse to skip the exercise, it is a chance to embrace it – especially when you are going somewhere with great weather!  Here was the breakdown of my week:

Sunday: Walking on the beach

Monday: 2 Mile run & strength

Tuesday: Vaca 5k (yes, this was an actual thing)

Wednesday: Yoga in the a.m. – Tennis with Dad in the p.m.

Thursday: 3.5 mile run

Friday: Tennis with Dad & Biking

As I mentioned in my last post, my family stayed at the Marriott Surf Watch resort on the island.  I am totally biased towards Marriott resorts/hotels.  The customer service is amazing, the amenities are great, the beds are to die for and they always have a ton of great activities scheduled for the week.

Each day, the staff at Surf Watch had a list of fitness related activities you could participate in as well as social activities.  The two fitness activities I participated in were the Vaca 5k with my dad and the Yoga with my mom.

Both were great and the staff that lead the events were so friendly and enthusiastic.  My mom was a big fan of all of the water aerobics and water strength classes – she took a class every morning – way to go, mom 😉

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Some of the more social activities we went to were Brats, Brews and Bonfires – Craft Beer tastings and grilled brats and the daily happy hours at the Sea Salts Bar by the beach – obviously.






Besides the events Marriott had available to us, the island is full of all sorts of great activities.  There are tennis courts on every corner, lots and lots of bike and running paths, golf courses galore, paddle boarding and so much more.  Any of these activities are a great way to get in some daily exercise 🙂

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For me, it is really essential that I plan these in advance so that I am more motivated to do them.  Also, if you are on vacation with family or friends, it is great to get them involved as well.  Workout buddies are the best!  Ta Ta for now!


Party in Plymouth

3 Mar

Guys, I just had a really good weekend and i’m really pissed that it is already Monday.

This past weekend, Brian and I were invited to the wedding of one of Brian’s good friend, Chris.  The wedding was held at The Inn at St. John in Plymouth, Michigan – a suburb of Detroit.  We took Friday off of work so we could take our time traveling and it was an absolutely gorgeous day to do so!

The hotel was only a 4 hour drive from Chicago, so when we arrived we had plenty of time to relax and explore the area.

First off, let me just say that our room and stay at The Inn at St. John was fabulous and we had THE most comfortable bed I have ever slept on.

My life will never be the same.

After we settled into our room, we met up with a few friends to explore the downtown area of Plymouth.  First up, was a visit to Liberty Street Brewing Company for a couple delicious craft beers.  The brewery itself was small, but the space where people could lounge was huge – two stories!


Downtown Plymouth was very cute and full of little shops and restaurants.  We got hungry pretty fast, so all we had to do was venture next door to Hermanns Olde Town Grill for some good pub grub to fill our bellies.  The place was packed and featured an AHMAZING playlist of 90’s hits – It was basically a recipe for a good time.


We didn’t make Friday a late night considering the wedding festivities were the next day and also because I had a 5 mile training run scheduled.

The gym at the hotel was rather small considering how many rooms there were – two treadmills, one stationary bike, one elliptical and a handful of free weights.  Since my plan was to complete the run, I obviously needed to get on the dreadmill – I mean treadmill.  But alas, they were both already taken.  I was surprisingly not very tired considering my 7 am wake up call, so I hopped on the bike for 20 minutes until one of the treadmills opened up.  The run itself was pretty good – wasn’t the easiest but wasn’t too hard.  One of the best parts about going to the gym is people watching – am I right?  At this gym, the people watching was at a minimum so I found myself having to entertain my brain a little bit more.

After my run was done and I spent a good amount of time stretching, I took full advantage of the room service offering for breakfast.


Boom.  Poached eggs, fresh fruit and multi grain toast… plus an ENTIRE pot of coffee 🙂  It was such a simple breakfast, but really hit the spot after a good sweat session.

The rest of the day consisted of more townie adventures and a visit to the hotel hot tub.


I’m personally the type of vacationer who just likes to go with the flow and relax.  I’m not a ‘need to do this’ or ‘need to see that’ kind of person.  In fact, we could have spent the entire weekend in the hotel and I still would have had an amazing time.

Around 3:00 p.m., we started to get ready for the wedding!


It was an absolutely gorgeous evening full of delicious food and fun people to party with.



I haven’t been to a wedding I did not have fun at, but this one definitely made the top of the list!

Question of the day: What kind of vacationer are you?

Off to Buffalo!

17 Oct

Hello Hello!

It’s a rainy, dreary day here in Chicago which is fine by me until 4:00 p.m. when I have to board a plane to BUFFALO!  I’m heading out East to visit my 98 year old grandmother who lives in Clarence Center just outside of Buffalo.  I am so excited because I have not seen her in a while and we will be able to spend a lot of quality time together, and also because the foliage in Buffalo is supposed to be beautiful this time of year!

It’s kind of funny that I am talking about foliage, because when I was in high school and visiting colleges the tour guides would always ask if anyone had questions at the end of the tour.  Mostly parents would speak up and ask questions like, “Are the dorms safe?”, “What is the Cafeteria food like”, “When does football season start?”  Not my parents, nope – they would always ask “What is it like here in the fall?  Is there great foliage?”  At the time, this would send me into an embarrassed flush, but now I guess I’m tu rning into them!

I also saw this funny article on Facebook that talked about how Gen-Y girls tend to instagram the shit out of fall leaves pictures this time of year, which is so true as I saw 3 posted pictures last night!

Annnyyywayyss.  Speaking of last night, I decided right after a busy day of work that I wanted to take the time celebrating… finishing work haha.

I busted out a Moon Man and relaxed on the couch for a little while with Bailey.  We are getting kind of low on our New Glarus stock, but luckily I have a friend in Wisconsin this weekend who agreed to bring us back some!  It’s always good to have friends who travel to Wisconsin often!


After I finished the beer, Brian and I walked over to Dry Hop Brewery for a couple rounds of their delicious craft brew.  The place is ALWAYS packed and we were lucky enough to snag two seats at the bar.


We were going to grab dinner out as well, but decided to be responsible adults and save some $$ by making something at home.

I was not really in the mood to “cook” after a couple beers, so we opted for Turkey Bacon TBLTS.

Yummy.  Not as yummy as a juicy craft burger would have been… but a much healthier option 🙂

I spent the rest of the night packing and relaxing and managed to fit everything into my carry-on even though I am a classic over-packer.  Plus, it’s boots season and those babies take up so much room!


Ta Ta for now, folks!

Wedding Weekend & Big Updates

18 Jun


Wow, it has been a while since my last post – so much has happened!

Let’s try to start where I left off:

Thursday (… wow)

After work on Thursday, I met some girlfriends for a drink on Michigan Ave.  It was an absolutely gorgeous evening, and we took full advantage of enjoying some cocktails alfresco by the bean!  The outdoor party was short-lived, as I met some of my other girlfriends for dinner at this new restaurant in River North called Central Standard.


The food was pretty decent!  We ordered a standard Meat and Cheese board to start, and the portions were pretty good, however, I did not like the smoked trout spread that we chose – it was too fishy.


For my main course, I chose the al pastor tacos which were yummy and just the right amount of food!  One of my friends ordered the goat cheese gnocchi which pretty much stole the show of the evening – so good.


I went home after dinner because the next day Brian and I were driving 8 hours deep into Wisconsin for our friends wedding!


The drive was surprising not that bad.  We took turns driving up, and had no traffic problems (mainly because we were in the middle of nowhere Wisconsin).  I had made a pit stop at Whole Foods before getting on the road and picked up some healthy snacks that we munched on the whole ride up.  This consisted of organic beef jerky, trail mix, pop chips and a turkey sandwich that we split.

Our final destination was Bayfield, WI which greeted us kindly 🙂  We got to our hotel at about 5:30 p.m. and immediately changed and headed out to dinner.  Yelp recommended Maggie’s Restaurant since they served fresh Lake Superior Whitefish, which was exactly what Brian and I ordered!


Plus a couple New Glarus Moon Men – a Wisconsin craft beer specialty (you can’t get it in Illinois!).

The food was so delicious, it was the perfect meal before we headed back to the hotel for the wedding welcome happy hour!  The hotel we stayed at was called the Bayfield Inn and I highly recommend it if you ever visit Bayfield.  The rooms were HUGE and updated with all new furniture and electronics.  Their king sized bed was heavenly – oh my gosh I miss it so much.  The happy hour was a success, we pretty much drank the hotel bar dry and definitely showed Wisconsin how Chicagoan’s party 🙂

The next morning was a little rough…  We tried to sleep in past 9:00 a.m., but by then my stomach was growling and I needed food STAT.  Luckily there was a good restaurant in the hotel that was literally 200 feet away from our room – how convenient!

Post breakfast, Brian and I tried to go on a run, but Bayfield is SOOOOO hilly.  This is no joke, after one hill that lasted 10 minutes, I was out of breath.  The run quickly turned into a two-hour hike.  It was really fun going up and down all of the hills and finding hidden creeks and waterfalls.

Before we knew it, it was time to head home and get ready for the WEDDING!!!


The wedding was absolutely beautiful.  The ceremony took place on a boat and was so special.  Our friends have been dating for over 7 years, so to say you could feel the love in the room was an understatement.  I was a bit of a lush.


Right after the ceremony ended, the captain took us around the Apostle Islands and we celebrated with champagne and some appetizers.  Once we were docked again, we partied away at the hotel pavilion 🙂


The weekend went by way too fast – in part because we spent half of it in a car.  We made it back to Illinois just in time to do a little ‘Father’s Day’ celebrating.  This consisted of hanging out by my parents pool and enjoying a delicious home made Italian meal by my mother.


A perfect end to a fabulous weekend!


Side note:  I am attending an HR conference in Chicago this week so I have literally felt like I have been going non-stop for the past week.  This is also why I am posting this ridiculously early -hopefully my lack of sleep does not catch up with me.  The conference runs from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and then there are usually night activities like big parties or concerts.  This leaves very little room for me to squeeze in workouts, however, I do have BvB practice all week and the conference only goes until Wednesday.


ALSO – I am happy to say that I am officially registered for the ‘2013 Healthy Living Summit‘ this fall!  I can’t wait to meet all my fellow bloggers and healthy enthusiasts!

Until tomorrow!

And We’re Off! … sort of

18 Apr

You probably know by now… Chicago/the burbs was hit pretty hard by severe storms last night.  Our flight is supposed to leave MDW at 1:20 p.m. … we shall see what happens.

I’m all packed… sort of (shoes, bobby pins and swim suit are all set!).


I blame the fact that I had to drop off Bailey at my parents house last night and got side tracked by watching the Sabres vs. Bruins game 🙂  It was definitely an emotional game to say the least.  The national anthem was sung by the crowd and I was tearing up the entire time.

My parents had dinner ready for me upon my arrival which included homemade Barbera Family pasta sauce, whole wheat linguine, turkey meatballs, salad and squash.  YUM.  Bailey obviously was searching for any fallen items 🙂


Oh yes, and a glass of red wine in my very special ‘Lindsaybird’ glass.  That is a family nickname that my father started and is really only used between my intermediate family and close friends.


The Sabres came off with a win in the shootout, which I was happy about, but the hockey game really showcased the unity between the players and everyone in the stands.  Boston Strong was seen everywhere, which made me proud since I am a Bostonian at heart – born there!

After the conclusion of the game, the players – both Sabres and Bruins – saluted the fans which once again made me really emotional.  It’s amazing how the love for sports can bring people together.


Keep your fingers crossed that I don’t have to sit through any MAJOR delays, although I am expecting the worse.  I’m off to sunny North Carolina!  Until next time, friends.