Tag Archives: West Virginia

White Water Rafting the Lower New

4 Sep

On to part 2 of my West Virginia adventure!

Sunday was a rainy day, so we decided to spend a lot of time driving around town visiting relatives and seeing some of the more ‘historical’ parts of the area.  We drove up to the exhibition coal mine in Beckley, but just missed a tour that had started 20 minutes before we arrived.  It was interesting to look at the buildings that were preserved around the mine compound.  There was a school, several preserved houses, a church and an outhouse or two 🙂  It was a good representation of early 20th century coal camp life.  Something my aunt and uncle told me that I found rather interesting was that single men and men who were married had completely different houses.  Married men had houses that featured 2 or 3 bedrooms with 1 bathroom, while unmarried men basically lived in a glorified closet.  Guess it paid off to be married back then!

For lunch, we stopped at one of my favorite places to eat in Fayetteville, Cathedral Cafe.  The cafe is actually inside an old cathedral and has some of the original decor and stained glass still inside.

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It’s cute and quaint and a lot of the produce and meat is local and sustainable.  I wasn’t too hungry when we got there so I opted to order a side salad and some of their homemade hummus with pita.  Both were delicious!


We took it easy Sunday evening because we had to be up bright and early Monday for our rafting trip!

Our trip kicked off around 10:00 a.m.and we were greeted by the river with a gorgeous view.

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The New River Gorge is a popular trip in West Virginia that is divided up into two sections – the Upper New and the Lower New.  The Upper New is good for families and people who may be a little too timid to go down big rapids, while the Lower New River is the real white water rafting with class IV-V rapids.

We opted for the Lower New, of course 🙂

Brian and I were in an 8 person raft, not including our awesome guide Andy McFly, and everyone who was with us seemed to be around our age, relatively young and athletic.  This is always a good sign because if you have good people in your raft, your guide is more likely to take you down the ‘fun’ routes on the rapids.

The trip was awesome.  We got wet… we got wild… and had an amazing time.


About halfway down the Lower we pit stopped for lunch on a beach off the river and ate some deli sandwiches, fruit, chips and such.  You don’t realize how much of your body you are using when going down the rapids, so once we stopped I realized just HOW HUNGRY I was.

There were sections on the river where our guides let us do really fun stuff.  We got to purposely jump out of the raft along and swim in the currents.  There were a couple class II rapids that they let us go down with our own bodies (instead of in the rafts).  That was a blast, although I did get a fare share of water up my nose!  We stopped on the sides to jump off large rocks into the water and even got to go “surfing”, which is basically turning your raft around into the current and finding that sweet spot pocket of air that allows the raft to feel like it’s surfing.  Pretty difficult to explain if you’ve never experienced it so here is a video I found that could best show what I’m talking about!

So. Much. Fun!

The trip took up all day and when we got back to the buses around 5:00 p.m., they had cold beer waiting for us.  Bud Light never tasted so good!

Overall, Brian and I had an absolutely amazing weekend visiting with family and going on all kinds of adventures.  I would highly recommend visiting southern West Virginia to experience some of these activities yourself!

Zippin’ through West Virginia

3 Sep

Well, it’s safe to say that Brian and I had an amazing vacation this past weekend.

We left bright and early Friday morning and made the 7 hour journey to our first stop – Ravenswood, W.V.  Ravenswood is just over the Ohio/West Virginia border (the Ohio River separates the two) and surprisingly, the road trip went by really fast.  We made a few pit stops along the way for a beer or two and packed some interesting snacks to keep our bellies full:

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Have you had this before?  I can’t say I like it, but I can’t say that I don’t.  Freeze dried food is weird.  I feel like I’m on a space ship or something.

We arrived at my cousin Leah’s around 4:00 p.m. ET and got a grand tour of their estate.  Yes, I said estate.  They have a gorgeous house that sits on top a very large hill with acres of forest and open space.  To get up to their house is an accomplishment in itself.  Think very narrow winding roads and lots of gravel!

We lounged around for a while, recovering from our long journey and enjoyed a delicious home cooked meal before heading out and exploring their town.  Small towns are so cute and quaint and really put a lot into perspective when you come from a big city like Chicago.

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Everything was so peaceful, beautiful and quiet.

The rest of the evening was spent relaxing and eating some more before heading out the next morning to complete our journey to Oak Hill, W.V.  My aunt and uncle live in Oak Hill and when we arrived Saturday afternoon, we were able to witness the end of their annual town parade.  People were lined up along to streets to get a glimpse of the high school band and Ms. Oak Hill.  My aunts best friend, Marilyn, has a house right in the downtown area where we were able to enjoy some snacks and beer as the parade passed on by.  Whenever I watch parades that have High School Cheerleading Squads and Pageant Queens, Taylor Swift songs always start popping in my head.  I’m weird.

Once the parade was over, we quickly headed to their house to drop off our stuff and get ready for our big zip line excursion.  My aunt and uncle were generous enough to book two adventures for Brian and I when we were in town: Zip Lining and White Water Rafting.

I had never zip lined before, so needless to say, I was pretty pumped!  The canopy tour was through a company called Adventures on Gorge, whom also guided our white water trip.  They are basically the Walmart of adventures in West Virginia… a one stop shop for anything you want to do.

The first part of the zip lining adventure was learning about our gear and what to do on the zip line.

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Once we all passed our tests, kidding…there were no tests, we headed into the forest!

The tour consisted of 10 zip lines which varied in length between 100 – 730 feet.  According to our guide, we reached up to 35 miles per hour on some of the zip lines and although in my head I thought that was kind of slow, when you are zipping past trees and over rivers it becomes a lot faster than you think!

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The trip also consisted of walking over a couple creaky sky bridges and hiking to gain elevation on our trip.

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We learned a lot about the forest in West Virginia and how the community is trying to protect their beloved Hemlock trees from the Japanese parasites that have invaded the area.  Our tour guides, Lauren and Jake, had names for each of the Hemlock trees and showed us how they inject the insecticide they are using to help protect the 800 year old trees.

Lauren and Jake also had other ‘words of wisdom’ along our trip like “If you see a moving stick… it’s not a stick.”  🙂

Bottom line.  It was awesome and you should do it.  Next time Brian and I visit, we are going to do their Gravity tour… which is another zip line adventure where you reach up to 60 mph!

After our tour, it was time for food and beer!

Everytime I visit my family in West Virginia, a trip to my Uncle’s restaurant is always a must (former-owned restaurant… he is now retired and living the dream).

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Behold Dirty Ernie’s.  The place where I grew up filling baskets of peanuts for each diner and learning the Dirty Earnie’s “Happy Birthday” song with all the waiters.

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I ordered the local trout and it was just as good as I remembered.  Some things never change 🙂

Stay tuned for my recap on our rafting excursion tomorrow!

Take me home country roads…

29 Aug

Well, Brian and I are driving down the highway now on our much anticipated road trip to wild and wonderful West Virginia!

As I’ve been telling my friends and coworkers about this trip, a lot of folks have been asking… why West Virginia?

A lot of my family lives or has lived in the beautiful state, so it holds an extra special place in my heart.  You see, my great great grandfather (I think that’s how it works… my grandpa’s grandfather), Caesar Barbera, immigrated to this wonderful country from Italy and went to work in the Coalfields of West Virginia in 1900.  According to my late grandfather, George Barbera, “When he landed on Ellis Island, he was asked if he wanted a job. He said, ‘yes.’ He hopped a train and came to Thurmond. He had to walk to Glen Jean where the coal company gave him a job loading coal.”

My family has been rooted in West Virgina for a long time and in a way I still feel very rooted there as well.


I used to visit my family down is southern W.V. at least twice a year.  All of my first cousins, except two, lived there… Here’s us taking a really awesome photo.

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Dorks.  I’m really rocking that sweet vest.

We were/are all a tight knight group.  For almost as long as I can remember my grandpa and grandma were the rock and foundation of our little clan.

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(Here they are centered, holding hands at our Barbera family reunion)

After their passing, it always felt a little strange to be going back without them there.

Now time has gone, and it’s been almost 3 years since I’ve had a proper visit… so I’m incredibly excited to visit the place that has given my so many wonderful memories.  I’ll be staying with my cousin Leah and her family tonight who live on the Ohio/West Virginia border.  Tomorrow, we will be packing up again and making the trip down to gorgeous southern West Virgina to stay with my Aunt Connie and Uncle Ron.

photo 5(1)I’m sure we will be visiting all the old favorites like the restaurant my Uncle used to own, Dirty Ernie’s Rib Pit.

Brian and I are being treated to a white water rafting trip and zip lining in the canopy which will be awesome!  What I’m looking forward to the most, however, is just spending time with the family… reminiscing about the good times and the great times to come 🙂  Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, y’all!

Babcock State Park in Fayette County, WV.